我们新兴的前所未有的市场低迷削弱了一些建筑组织,以至于他们可能很难为甚至缓慢的市场回收率筹集资金。反过来,这可能会增加违约的潜力。但是,应对风险的一些常见方法可能是自欺欺人的。我的意思是:总承包商和分包商具有相同的曝光率 - 如果承包商失败,整个项目都会被中断,并且所有涉及的都将暴露于中断和损失。


Some of the signs of trouble include complaints from suppliers or subs about unpaid invoices or partial or late payment; contractors asking for advance payment or help making payroll; unexplained cuts in crew size; declining work quality; overbilling of quantities or percentage of work completed; requests for payment of materials ordered or supposedly stored off-site.


Protecting your organization against default is much easier said than done because many commonly recommended protections can cause as many problems as they are intended to prevent. For example, there is the adage "Don't take a low-ball price." Yet if a number in this market is on the street, someone else is going to use it, and you might not get the job. Even after a contractor has the job, if a low-ball price comes in, there is pressure to consider and possibly accept it—even knowing the risk. In good times, this is obviously less of an issue because aggressive pricing is not as prevalent, and if you don't get the job in question, there are others.



Prime contractors may also find that many low-ball offers are not bondable. I have experienced numerous cases when it was said "We tried to bond the contractor, but they could not get a bond" or "We were promised a bond, so we issued the contract," and then, after the work started, the contractor could not get a bond, and it seemed too late to change horses. There is also an unsettling increase in contractors having financial difficulties between pricing and negotiation—but before the award of contract. In these uncertain times, even the ability of a contractor to be bonded may be a diminishing indicator of a contractor's reliability.

Holding back payments is a common solution; however, it often compounds the contractor's cash-flow issues and accelerates the potential for default. Joint checks have the same impact.

在过去,承包商违约的成本primarily the payment of unpaid vendors and subcontractors. However, in these difficult times, that is changing with an increasing loss exposure from defective work. Organizations with serious quality-control processes and those that foster a culture of quality control may see earlier signs of contractor default that could assist in mitigating losses.