Photo courtesy of T.J. Lyons
爱丽丝·汉密尔顿(Alice Hamilton)(左)的图像,以及自传中的一句话,挂在作者的桌子上方。

Above my desk hangs a picture of a woman born in 1869—Alice Hamilton. She is the mother of industrial hygiene and the ultimate safety professional. I recommend that every safety manager read her autobiography, “Exploring the Dangerous Trades,” in which Hamilton details her safety investigations of armament factories in New Jersey, mercury mines in the southwest and lead smelters in Wisconsin. The first poisonings of some good people.

汉密尔顿(Hamilton)在她的书中讲述了与一位亲密朋友的对话,该书中的一句话挂在汉密尔顿(Hamilton)的照片旁边。Although the friend never roused one to a fighting pitch, Hamilton says she taught her a much-needed lesson: that harmony and peaceful relations with one’s adversary were not in themselves of value unless they went with a steady push for what one was trying to achieve.

“So often, I have succeeded in breaking down the hostility of an employer and in establishing a friendly relation with him,” Hamilton wrote about herself. “I have been tempted to let it go at that, to depart without unpleasantness. Then I have remembered [what my friend taught me] and have forced myself to say the unpleasant things that had to be said.”


In today’s highly politicized and complex project environments, you will run into risk-averse people who choose the safe ground and waffle and waver rather than speaking what needs to be said. I call this the danger of indecision. Unless kept in check such operational indifference will damage good people and the organization.

Reluctant Leaders


The cost to an organization for the extra work required by a tentative department head is easy to calculate. Start by counting the number of committees in your company, determine how many are “evaluating” something and you have your answer. When is the last time a committee was dissolved because its work was completed?

Certainly, committee input is critical. Opinions from those doing the work are the foundation for any decision. You must understand what it is needed from those you lead, and you must learn to listen to lead.

By the same token, a reluctant leader in your ranks will crush independence and assure that next great idea will never be allowed. A good leader makes decisions based partly on what their trusted team recommends but also while heeding some inner voice based on their own experience, many mistakes and some successes.



Or when someone says, “Well, that’s how it’s done here.” That translates into, “Your idea is not welcome.”



So consider what you say – always.

I have learned to make my point and actually bite my tongue to stop from rambling. I did it today, and it works for me. Leaders say what’s needed, when needed and then listen. That is hard.