
STRABAG SE, Vienna, Austria, is working on 32 new call-center projects throughout Germany, scheduled for completion in 2011.
STRABAG SE, Vienna, Austria, is working on 32 new call-center projects throughout Germany, scheduled for completion in 2011.

尽管减少全球电信capital spending in 2009, the industry’s annual revenue is expected to grow at a compounded rate of nearly 10.3% over the next five years and reach $2.7 trillion by 2013, according to a report from Boonton, N.J.-based market research firm Insight Research Corp. Driving the growth is robust demand for communications services in developing countries and high-speed broadband in established markets. “The worldwide economy is in turmoil, there is no doubt about that, but over the long haul we expect the telecommunications industry to continue growing,” says Insight president Robert Rosenberg. “Telecom is as necessary to development as roads and bridges, so we expect it to fare much better than other economic segments that may take longer to return to normalcy.”

Last year’s financial crisis forced a number of wireless carriers to reconsider investment strategies and in some cases scale back plans. Still, projects are progressing. “The economic downturn resulted in a serious slowdown in the roll-out of networks and investments in developed markets and a modest decrease in activity in emerging markets,” says Ulrik Strottrup-Andersen, technical director for Copenhagen-based Ramboll Telecom. “Lately, we have observed a trend where once again rollouts are being resumed around the world.”



As the bandwidth needs of consumers and corporations surge, so does the demand for data centers. Data-center space in Southeast Asia is anticipated to grow by 68% over the next four years, with most of the expansion occurring in Vietnam, Singapore and India, according to BroadGroup, a telecommunications consulting firm based in Surrey, England.

尽管艰难的经济状况并未减弱数据中心市场的活动,但他们促使公司找到降低建造和管理数据设施成本的方法。因此,一些国际工程公司现在开始提供设施管理服务。位于维也纳的建筑公司Strabag SE选择了这条路线,去年收购了Deutsche Telekom的分支机构Deteimmobilien。为此,Strabag成为匈牙利最大的设施管理公司,也是德国第二大的公司。该公司目前正在慕尼黑建立2300万美元,4,000平方英尺的数据中心,定于明年秋天开始运营,并计划于2011年完成德国周围的32个新呼叫中心项目。18luck官网

“我们看到市场在2010年增加,”Thomas说rtung, head of Strabag’s DeTeImmobilien Services division in Frankfurt. “Small and mid-sized companies are starting to require their own data centers for security reasons, but they do not want to take the risk of designing, constructing and operating these facilities, so the projects are being outsourced.”