


Think about how missing just a few consecutive ideal projects, which can happen even in a growth market, plus delayed project starts, can weaken your finances. Contractors are often tempted to look in other markets to maintain volume rather than cut overhead. Some have said they were forced into unfamiliar territory, when the reality is they never considered reducing volume (and capacity) to adapt to market realities.


A far superior and much less risky strategy is to chase and produce work within the organization's proven track record. When that type and location of work declines for any reason, reduce overhead in order to maintain continuous profitability. In this way you can manage your risk to achieve success rather than react to changes.

I fully realize this is a huge paradigm shift from the often-heard standards: "If you're not growing you're going backwards" or "I have got to keep my organization together for when the market comes back."

我的回答是,“代价是什么呢?”最近sustained, lengthy and painful down market has shed light on the reality that excess overhead costs have weakened numerous construction companies, which does little to prepare the company for when the market returns. The current weak recovery is just making it worse.

The answer to this problem is a new strategy I call "flexible overhead." Some companies already use it although not necessarily under that name. These are firms that are smaller (in some cases a lot smaller) than they were four or five years ago, but have remained profitable. They obviously do not earn as much money as when they were larger, but they do not give any back either. There is a much larger group of firms that have lost money.
