
Mortenson uses VDC to layer environmental data, old-stump locations and grading plans for wind farm-site optimization.
Photo: Mortenson
Mortenson uses VDC to layer environmental data, old-stump locations and grading plans for wind farm-site optimization.
Bentley’s Substation V8i aids distribution planners with data modeling.
Bentley’s Substation V8i aids distribution planners with data modeling.

该公司可再生能源集团副总裁Mark Ruffino说,总部位于明尼阿波利斯的Mortenson Construction Corp.正在通过使用虚拟设计和建筑(VDC)节省资金。18luck官网Mortenson使用建筑信息模型(BIM)来克服在风能站点上的地形限制,并计划涡轮机的铺设和架设。他说:“我们可以微调我们打扰的东西。”

Mortenson models turbine siting to find pinch points and develop rigging protocols “so teams have an efficient plan,” says Ruffino. He notes that the nacels, or generating cores, are larger than school buses. “We have to figure where to set them up,” he says.


纽约州罗切斯特市A/E/C Bergmann Associates的业务发展经理Charles Hixon认为VDC将继续发展。他是运输研究委员会可视化委员会的创始成员,他说当前的VDC集成尚未发挥其潜力。他看到项目管理和供应商支持的新方法的商机。


One new VDC tool for electric-utility substation planning is Bentley Substation V8i from Bentley Systems Inc., Exton, Pa. The firm anticipates a growing market for widespread system upgrades incorporating smart-grid technology, as well as system growth worldwide. Mike Lambert, V8i product manager, says the tool builds an intelligent information model for design, construction and operations that integrates with enterprise-wide engineering content-management systems. Users can work in 2D electrical schematics, 3D isometrics or navigable models and automatically generate bills-of-materials.


他说:“它的集成不太好……我们需要允许项目经理同时查看该数据的每个部分,”他补充说,“ 3D设计本身是有效的,非常强大,但我们希望将其链接到其他数据。...思考Google Earth。”