Image courtesy of Gehry Technologies

更强大的处理器核心公顷rnessed into cloud computing services, collaboration using massive data files is gaining in use and sophistication—especially in the design and construction disciplines that work in 3D files.

One example is the latest launch from Gehry Technologies, which has gone to market with itsGTeamplatform following six months of testing. The firm calls it a cloud based 2D and 3D file management and project collaboration platform built for a distinct group: AEC professionals and building owners.

Gehry Technologies的联合创始人弗兰克·盖里(Frank Gehry)在周二在纽约AIA建筑中心举行的新闻发布会上说,他希望该工具能够激发更多的设计专业人员拥抱合作,以提高效率并使更多的浪费摆脱更多的浪费。设计和施工过程。他谈到该平台时说:“我们看到它如何消除变更命令并更快地检测到碰撞。”他说:“这些工具使您能够做到这一点。它们允许[设计团队]承担更多的责任。”他补充说,GTEAM平台是从头开始构建的。

"I am very excited that this technology can now be offered to other firms seeking to create more effective industry processes and a better built environment, ” he added in a statement.

Gehry and his team used the GTeam collaboration platform to design and deliver structures such as8 Spruce Streetin New York City, which is noted as one of the architect's most ambitious facades, and the Fondation Louis Vuitton Museum, now under construction in Paris.

Dennis Shelden, chief technology officer and co-founder of Gehry Technologies, says the GTeam platform provides on-demand access to project data from desktop or mobile devices and offers a centralized, detailed view into project events. The GTeam interface builds in social media applications such as messaging and sharing features, along with quick views of 3D BIM models in the tool's main dashboard—and has enough compute power to enable users to view major connections throughout the BIM files.

The main idea driving the development, he added, is to enable project teams—including architects, designers, engineers, contractors, consultants and building owners—to reach consensus faster, reduce change orders, save time, get more work and reduce project costs. The tool can view major BIM file formats as well as the usual formats such as PDFs, images and documents, and is mainly for working on files within teams.

Shelden said the platform has added a lot of simple tools while addressing one of the biggest challenges that can complicate the collaborative, distributed design process, such as keeping team members working on the right state of the project file. For example, a user can pull up a model done with Autodesk's Revit authoring tool to access date in the model, then use synchronization tools in the platform to upload or download the most recent files.


GTeam, which can be run as a 30-day trial before pricing kicks in, hits the market as collaboration tools are gaining in traction and power among AEC disciplines. For example,Bluebeam Studio今年启动,允许在BIM文件上进行主要连接和标记,以及支持该领域协作的同步工具。本特利提供ProjectWiseto customers and Autodesk is planning to offer even more collaboration and social media tools to its suite of cloud-based services with itspurchaseof collaboration tools provider Qontext.

A key difference with GTeam, adds Shelden, is that it's Web-based, which makes it accessible from most devices, and can scale dramatically. "It's a great way to connect to people around the data. There are tons of data [attached to] these projects. Now, we can handle many more 3D files using a database in the cloud."