Photo courtesy of PCL Construction
An iPad works with the Topcon LN-100 Robotic Instrument to guide the user to precise locations for work layout.

Autodesk已为其BIM 360套件的现场协作工具添加了一项新功能,该功能旨在帮助承包商和项目经理从3D构建信息模型中更有效地提取数据以进行布局计划。

In the process, contractors are able to create a tighter feedback loop of project information, from the time they extract a project model's data to inform construction layout to the time they collect data points from a jobsite for as-built analysis.

该应用程序和升级的Web服务称为iOS的Autodesk BIM 360布局,针对总承包商以及机械,电气和管道承包商。该服务与Autodesk Partner Topcon Corp.的LN-100机器人仪器合作,该工具于去年发布了LN-100总站产品。

"We think it's a shift change because it puts rigor back into making sure that the core data model is leveraged for your layout activities," says Jarrod Krug, Autodesk BIM 360 marketing manager.

For example, when the BIM 360 app is affixed to a prism pole (see image), it allows the operator to walk around a jobsite and, while the app is connected to the Topcon device, gives the exact jobsite locations of the model's points or elements.

The feature also helps field managers reference the model to "walk" to a location in the model as well as in the physical world, Krug says. "If they're laying out hanger points, they would walk to the site, and the iPad app would direct them [to] where that element is that needs to be installed. Usually, they would then stake it or spray it for installers to come and place those components," he explains.

"When we talk about BIM 360 and [the layout app], we're actually talking about an ecosystem and a connected set of services and touch points for different users," adds Paul Walker, Autodesk BIM 360 product manager.

The BIM 360 Layout app features a first-person, immersive view of the project's building model as the user walks the jobsite to the layout's field points, he explains. "So, when you glue [or upload] your models into the BIM 360 collaboration platform, the model and points for layout are then sunk down to the iPad app, enabling the field manager to go to layout activities."


该应用程序的Beta测试人员之一丹佛PCL Construction的虚拟建筑经理Ondrei Poliak表示,BIM 360布局应用程序和Web服务已帮助Project Teams简化了检查和验证Sub Trade的固定和安装组件的过程,即导致时间和金钱效率从未实现。其他测试人员包括DPR和Mortenson等公司。

自从去年,当它获取了Get The Point的技术资产以来,专门从事将设计数据传输到机器人总站的技术时,Autodesk已将该软件集成到其BIM 360协作工具和Web服务中。


Autodesk says the BIM 360 Layout app is available on the iOS platform and requires a subscription to the BIM 360 web service.