
This fall, BEM scanning contributed to a condition study of a 1970s-era force sewer main for the Metropolitan Sanitation District of Greater Cincinnati. Malcolm Pirnie, the water division of ARCADIS, Highlands Ranch, Colo., is the assessment contractor.

The consultant hired InfraMetrix LLC, Tampa, Fla., to use BEM to scan select locations in the line where analysis and other tests predicted the greatest potential thickness loss from internal erosion or corrosion.

自2002年以来,Inframetrix是BEM技术以来的唯一美国持​​有人,该技术由澳大利亚维多利亚州的Rock SolidPty。Ltd.改编并从采矿业进行了缩小。

Inframetrix总裁兼首席执行官William Ditullio表示,该技术可以检查任何铁管。他说,测试不需要与金属接触,可以从内部或从加压线的外部使用。

