Attempting to bring electric water heaters into the current era, civil engineer-turned-inventor Jerry Callahan says he has created a novel water heater that eliminates traditional modes of failure while increasing energy efficiency—and it has Wi-Fi.

Instead of using traditional heating elements, Callahan’s tankless heater, called the Model 1 by Heatworks, uses an ohmic heating process in which electric current is passed through water between 19 graphite electrodes.

在该设备的发明之前,欧姆方法不能用于获得家庭或商业热水系统所需的精确水温控制。卡拉汉(Callahan)声称,Model 1的微处理器通过测量和调整电流的输出60次,从而实现控制。

As the electrodes themselves do not heat up, Callahan says scaling of minerals on internal components does not occur. “It’s actually pretty cool, because the only thing that gets hot inside the water heater is the water itself,” Callahan said, describing the system at a TechCruch presentation in May 2014.

The Model 1 has been in development since 2007, and Callahan hopes to ship by the end of July. The preorder cost is $395.

Ohmic heating now is used in food pasteurization, in which large amounts of material need to be heated uniformly. In a 2011 release, the Food and Drug Administration cited future uses for ohmic heating, including evaporation, dehydration and extraction.


伴随Model 1的移动软件使用户可以远程更改加热水的温度曲线。Callahan称一个温度剖面为“婴儿预设”,该温度限制了水温以使烫伤不可能。卡拉汉在Techcruch博览会上说:“这很棒,非常适合保姆结束。”


无罐系统已经提供节能,因为热水等待消费时不会浪费。但是,与另一位无电动制造商Rheem的产品相比,Model 1声称效率超过99%,该产品在其网站上宣称效率为94%。

Heatworks在补充材料中承认,单个Model 1单元可能不足以向整个房屋提供热水。

随着水温升高40°F,单个Model 1单元将能够每分钟最多生产2.5加仑(GPM)。在那之后,第二个模型1将增加到4 gpm,这对应于80 psi的淋浴头的联邦强制性限制为2.5 gpm。这些型号1 GPM的措施是纯热水,而不是经常从水龙头或淋浴喷头出来的冷水混合物。

The needed change in water temperature varies by location, as it depends on the temperature of the groundwater received. While a 40°F change produces 2 GPM, a 79°F change would produce 1 GPM.

The groundwater in New York City, which is around 50°F, is considerably colder than that of Florida, where groundwater can be up to 77°F, according to the DOE.

卡拉汉说,模型1地址问题缺点umers face when shopping for water heaters: a complicated market. The heater automatically detects and receives a connected voltage between 100 volts and 277 volts, and its maximum current draw can be manually adjusted from 15 amps to 48 amps in 5-amp increments.

The heater also can accept preheated water and boost its temperature up to the desired heat, according to Callahan, who lauds the Model 1’s versatility as a main water heater, point-of-use heater or point-of-use temperature booster.

The Model 1 originally was funded via a Kickstarter campaign, during which 1,398 backers donated $436,536—almost four times the developer’s $125,000 goal.

Callahan, a civil engineer, was previously COO of Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co. He has served as president and CEO for a propane company, Blue Rhino. He started development on the technology behind the Model 1 in 2006, after being unable to find a water heater that met his needs while building an outdoor shower.
