照片由John Russo/Arc提供
Aworker scans back-of-house utilities at an airport terminal in Los Angeles.
Image Courtesy of John Russo/ARC
Captured data creates a point cloud model.



Epps joined several other contractors and consultants to present their laser-scanning experiences at ENR's FutureTech conference in San Francisco on March 16-17.

According to a recent Dodge Data & Analytics report, more contractors use laser scanning, but the technology is still in its early stages. Only 13% of contractors are using laser scanning "at a high or very high frequency" to capture existing building conditions into a model before construction, says the report. However, scanning during construction has taken root more quickly, with 23% of contractors using the technology to validate compliance with the model.

Holder最近投资了自己的扫描硬件,该硬件在体育馆和高等教育设施等项目上使用。18luck官网在亚特兰大埃默里大学(Emory University)项目的协调周期中,埃普斯(Epps)扫描了一个实验室区域,以验证放置高架机械物品(例如通风罩)的放置。扫描数据显示了随后的分包商与设计模型的任何偏差,工作人员可以相应地调整其工作。他说:“它不能解决问题,但它可以提前时间到我们可以主动解决问题的地方。”

在另一项案例研究中,Hensel新利luck Phelps从240,000张扫描中生成了16个数据,以用于亚利桑那州的快速轨道芯片制造工厂。通过实时扫描设计的项目团队,然后使用数据指导安装并确保验证。Hensel Phelps的虚拟设计和建筑总监Thai Nguyen说:“我们没有时间进行建模。”“从字面上看,我们必须教授所有23多个交易,如何利用其设计的本地扫描内容。”


"If you implement laser scanning, you need to think about more than just acquiring or adopting the technology," says John M. Russo, president of the U.S. Institute of Building Documentation. "There are a lot of infrastructure upgrades you'll need to be concerned with." Measures include storage and archives, backups and maintenance. "You don't want to throw this data away," he adds.

