
资料来源:McGraw-Hill Platts。液态沥青评估,前填充物
Recession Steadies Prices For Liquid Paving Product
Photo: Tudor Van Hampton/ENR


“It’s a very tough market across the nation,” says Jay Hansen, NAPA vice president of government affairs. “This has been a period of contraction, no question.” He says the 2010 outlook also is weak, even with an extension of current federal highway funding levels, because states are “limping along.”

大约65%的沥青混合需求来自the public sector, primarily state and local transportation departments, says Jansen. Of that, roughly 55% is for federally funded roadways and 45% is marked for state or locally funded work. The remaining 35% of demand is from residential and commercial developments. Private-sector demand has been “hit very hard,” he notes.

While liquid asphalt makes up only 5% of a typical asphalt roadway mix, the heavy oil binder is the tail that wags the dog in paving costs. Liquid asphalt is priced at hundreds of dollars per ton. By contrast, the remaining 95% of the mix —aggregate—ranges from $10 to $15 per ton and has a predictable local supply.

弗吉尼亚州布里斯托市的Superior Paving Corp. Ron White说,一套不寻常的情况推动了2008年的价格飙升,弗吉尼亚州布里斯托市的Superior Paving Corp.。油价在2008年初已经很高,炼油厂越来越多地使用Coker技术来完善每种汽油和柴油的更多信息桶原油,为沥青供应留下了较少的底部。结果,到2008年7月,全国各地的液态价格上涨。然后,艾克飓风于2008年9月袭击了墨西哥湾沿岸,破坏了该地区的生产并进一步收紧了供应。

加利福尼亚州萨克拉曼多运输部建筑工程办公室的总裁查克·苏斯科(Chuck Suszko)说,在加利福尼亚州,液态沥青在2008年7月达到每吨716美元。他说,相比之下,今年9月的液体沥青成本平均每吨为337美元。像许多州一样,Caltrans使用液态沥青的月度价格指数。该指数用于根据初始出价价格和放置混音时的实际价格之间的差额来调整向道路建设者的付款。


Last December, the adjustment was expanded to include all projects, not just those longer than 120 days or more than 5,000 tons, and the threshold was reduced to a 5% price swing from the previous 10% trigger. Ironically, the new rules have helped Caltrans capture savings as liquid-asphalt prices have trended down this year. “Everybody rides the index; it’s a fair way to manage the risk,” he says.

Superior's White说,更好的调整是一件好事。他说:“我们以[与弗吉尼亚点]相同的方式做到这一点。”“我们生产的一切都根据索引进行调整或向下调整。我们不赚钱,但我们也不想丢掉衬衫。如果我们在2008年没有的话,我们将会遭受破坏。”