The warning shot came in a federal court in Louisiana, and it may signal the beginning of the end of one more costly aspect of the homebuilding boom of 2004-2007. Federal Judge Eldon Fallon in New Orleans ordered Taishan Gypsum Co. Ltd. to pay seven Virginia families a total of $2.6 million to remediate defective Chinese-made drywall in their homes. The case is the first of several class-action lawsuits filed against manufacturers of material that has proven to be a veritable nightmare—and source of odors—for thousands of home-owners.

Source: U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Consumer Product Safety Commission continues to analyze samples of contaminated drywall.
Photo: AP/Wideworld
Consumer Product Safety Commission continues to analyze samples of contaminated drywall.

The case is considered a bellwether for the other suits against the manufacturers of defective Chinese drywall because the same court is hearing all the cases.

“The message Judge Fallon’s ruling sends to thousands of other homeowners who have been victimized is that help is finally coming—they will be made whole after the ravages of inferior Chinese drywall and will not have to bear the substantial costs of repairing their homes to get rid of it,” says Christopher Seeger, a New York lawyer who represented the Virginia homeowners in the Taishan case.

A ruling is expected in the coming weeks in the second case, in which Florida homeowners sued German-owned Knauf Plasterboard Tianjin.

The $2.6-million award is welcome news not just for the Taishan-case homeowners, who typically couldn’t collect under their insurance policies, but for builders who want to get involved in remediation efforts but who have not been able to obtain financing to pay for it. As a result, some builders have had to leave the material in place.

“Looking at the U.S. economy, this could not have happened at a worse time,” says Jenna Hamilton, assistant vice president of government affairs at the National Association of Home Builders. “Builders simply don’t have cash on hand.”


“大多数问题将发生在他们带来[有缺陷的干墙]的港口附近,”威尔明顿一家办公室的索赔顾问Ron E. Wright说,Buric的建筑诊断专家兼首席运营官Ron E. Wright说。北卡罗来纳州赖特(N.C. Wright)在Taishan案中作为专家证人作证。
