Although Detroit-based contractor Walbridge is known as the fourth-largest contractor of automotive facilities in the world – as well as a go-to firm for Detroit automakers – diversity drives much of the firm's work, which ranges from airports, hotels, offices and hospitals to educational, mission-critical, government and waste/waste water facilities.

Projects such as Bell’s Brewery Comstock Campus Expansion in Kalamazoo, Mich., a fast-track project awarded in April, Michigan State University's 500,000-sq-st Special Housing Needs/Spartan Village Redevelopment, an East Lansing-based multi-functional facility awarded in March, and the historic renovation of Detroit's beloved David Whitney Building, a project completed last year, provide a measure of the firm's versatility, as well as its ability to execute complex projects.

其中之一是威廉·G·米利肯州立公园和户外探险中心,该项目涉及底特律120年历史的Globe贸易公司大楼的恢复,该公司于去年赢得了中西部最佳项目奖,该公司在翻新/恢复类别中获得了中西部最佳项目奖。18luck官网新利luck。2013年,沃尔布里奇(Walbridge)在密歇根州斯特林高地(Sterling Heights)的BAE Systems大楼中赢得了最佳办公/混合使用项目类别。

The firm is on a roll. In 2014 alone, regional revenues increased by nearly 30%. It currently is Michigan's second-largest contractor.

If versatility has emerged as a calling card, common denominators include safety, sustainability and an ability to self perform concrete work, equipment installation and facility management.

In the arena of safety, Walbridge requires all employees and subcontractors to participate in the Management and Unions Serving Together (MUST) safety program. In 2010, it was the first company to receive the Michigan Voluntary Protection Program for Construction (MVPPC) Star Award from the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA. It currently boasts more than 12 million hours worked without a lost-time injury.

In support of environmental issues, Walbridge incorporates its GreenWISE (Walbridge Intelligent Sustainability and Environmental) program on all jobsites. GreenWISE identifies 18 on-site environmental practices to reduce a project’s impact on the environment and grades personnel on their ability to execute them. Practices involve temporary wood and formwork, fuels and construction equipment emissions, temporary power generation, waste management and recycling. Last year, the National Association of Business Resources selected Walbridge as winner of a 2014 National Best & Brightest Sustainable Companies Award.

Walbridge also has executed more than 70 LEED certified or registered projects, including the 850,000 Chrysler Trenton Engine South Plant in Trenton, Mich., which achieved LEED Gold certification.

由于这些和其他原因,ENR的区域编辑团队选择了Walbri新利luckdge作为Enr Midwest年度承包商。沃尔布里奇(Walbridge)将在7月20日的ENR中西部版本中进行介绍,该版本还将包括该地区最大的承包新利luck商的排名。