ENR Midwest's judges carefully curated a list of 102 high-quality entries and returned just 36 winning entries, so far, for this year's ENR Midwest Best Projects.

获奖者将在11月版的Enr Midwest和现场活动中进行深入展示,并符合与大流行有关的当地法令,并计划在12月的芝加哥文艺复兴时新利luck期授予奖项。

我们还将纪念我们的年度所有者,印第安纳州运输部,年度最佳承包商克莱科,年度最佳设计公司和年度最佳特殊承包商Motor City Electric Co.。

Our judges — Jen Tobias Hawkins, director of industry digital transformation at ViaTechnik; Laura Young, CEO of Griskelis Young Harrell; Ben Bunge, senior project manager at the Weitz Co.; Steve Zimmerman, associate principal at Wiss Janney Elstner Associates; Renato Gilberti, associate partner at BKV Group; William Haas, associated vice president at AECOM; Jeff Emrick, director of safety and compliance at Ozinga and Sam Mishelow, chief strategy officer at Meyer Najem Construction — all generously donated their time and expertise in judging a group of entrants that ranged from emergency bridge repairs to zoos and natatoriums.

翻新,恢复和高速公路/桥梁类别再次拥有我们见过的一些最具竞争力的领域,大多数类别都很难获得最佳项目冠军和优异奖。两个类别具有两个优点。我们还拥有有史以来最强大的能量场之一,从组合循环植物转换到转化为水力发电的河流水坝。水类别从废水处理厂到大多数天然水填海。我们的安全法官Jeff Emrick和Sam Mishelow再次面临着一项艰巨的任务,在比较各种项目类型的安全项目时。18luck官网


ENR Midwest will award a Project of the Year from the Best Project-level winners listed below. We’ll reveal the Project of the Year at our awards in December and watch this space for an announcement about the finalists. We will also be announcing the ENR Midwest Safety Award winners in the coming days.


Best Project: Duluth Sky Harbor Airport, Duluth, Minn.

由Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.(SEH®)提交


Best Project: Saint Louis Zoo Primate Canopy, St. Louis

Submitted by Tarlton Corporation

Award of Merit: St. Matthew's Catholic Church, Omaha, Neb.

由博伊德·琼斯(Boyd Jones)提交


Best Project:威斯康星州贝洛伊特市西河滨能源中心。

由博伊德·琼斯(Boyd Jones)提交

Award of Merit: Red Rock Hydroelectric Project, Pella, Iowa


Government/Public Building

Best Project: Johnson County Courthouse, Olathe, Kansas

由JE Dunn Construction提交

Award of Merit:威尔县公共卫生部,乔利埃特,伊利诺伊州。

由Leopardo Companies,Inc。提交


Best Project:Flashcube公寓,密苏里州堪萨斯城。

Submitted by MW Builders

Award of Merit:24 E.华盛顿(梅西百货公司),芝加哥

Submitted by Clayco, Inc.


Best Project:奥马哈弗吉尼亚州的门诊护理中心,内布拉斯州奥马哈。

由McCarthy Building Cos提交。

Award of Merit: SSM Saint Louis University Hospital Medical Campus Renewal Project, St. Louis

Submitted by Alberici Constructors, Inc.


Best Project:Iowa State University Student Innovation Center, Ames, Iowa

Submitted by IMEG Corp.

Award of Merit: Michigan State University STEM Teaching and Learning Facility and Shaw Lane Power Plant Renovation and Classroom Addition, East Lansing, Mich.

由Granger Construction提交


Best Project:俄亥俄州辛辛那提的布伦特·斯宾斯·布里奇桥康复

由Michael Baker International提交

Award of Merit:芝加哥湖滨步道行人桥

由HNTB Corp.提交。


Best Project: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois Morgan Park Solution Center, Chicago


Award of Merit:吉尔班建筑公司芝加哥办公室,芝加哥

由Gilbane Building Co.提交。


Best Project:East Prairie School, Skokie, Ill.

由Str Partners LLC提交

Award of Merit: Marygrove Early Childhood Education Center, Detroit

由Barton Malow Holdings LLC提交

Award of Merit: Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep (CRSM), Waukegan, Ill.


Landscape/Hardscape/Urban Design

Best Project: Lick Run Greenway Project, Cincinnati, Ohio

由Kokosing Industrial提交


Best Project: Norix Global Holdings, West Chicago, Ill.

Soltys Design Build LLC提交

Award of Merit: Fii High-Performance Computing Data Center, Mt. Pleasant, Wis.



Best Project:110 North Wacker,芝加哥

由Clark Construction Group,LLC提交

Award of Merit:创新一,麦迪逊,威斯康星州。

Submitted by Findorff


Best Project: Old Cook County Hospital, Chicago

Submitted by Walsh Construction

Award of Merit:24 E.华盛顿(梅西百货公司),芝加哥

Submitted by Clayco, Inc.


Best Project: 100 Above the Park, St. Louis


Award of Merit: Wolf Point East, Chicago

Submitted by Walsh Construction

Small Projects

Best Project:SOS儿童村/伊利诺伊州罗斯福广场社区中心,芝加哥

Submitted by Lendlease

Award of Merit: Converting Organic Waste into "Liquid Gold," Muscatine, Iowa



Best Project:TQL体育场,俄亥俄州辛辛那提


Award of Merit:印第安纳波利斯的怀特河州立公园的TCU露天剧场。

由Shiel Sexton Co.,Inc。提交

Best Project: Lock and Dams 24 and 25 Miter Gate Anchorages, Winfield, Mo.

Submitted by Massman Construction Co.

Award of Merit: Lincoln Biogas/Theresa Street Water Resource Recovery Facility Biogas Conditioning System, Lincoln, Neb.

Submitted by HDR

Award of Merit:中央工业区(CID)绿色基础设施和改进项目,密苏里州堪萨斯城。

由HNTB Corp.提交。


Excellence in Safety Award: Locks and Dams 24 and 25 Miter Gate Anchorages, Winfield, Mo.

Submitted by Massman Construction Co.

优点奖:I-18-4430 Tri-State Tollway I-294 Mile Long Bridge,Willow Springs,Il。

提交的F。H. Paschen

Award of Merit: 35W Minnesota River Bridge Design-Build, Burnsville and Bloomington, Minn.

由Ames Construction提交