Webcor Builders上周宣布,他们已经完成了挖掘,并开始在新的,超级豪华的四个季节私人住宅洛杉矶勃起。该项目估计耗资超过3亿美元,具有58个定制设计的豪华公寓和联排别墅,以及一个12,000平方英尺的顶层顶层公寓,官员们说,这可能成为洛杉矶有史以来最昂贵的公寓。

Webcor项目总监Lee Sehon告诉我,在发掘中,船员挖了大约36英尺,并从该网站出口了将近73,000立方英尺的污垢。他说,对于54,285平方英尺的基础,他们将倒入大约7,000码的混凝土。

高达280英尺Webcor准备塔式起重机为erection, Sehon says his team is faced with a challenge of getting the mat foundation poured between the "restricted working hours" of 9 am and 4 pm, Monday - Friday, "without the possibility of any work on the weekends, in keeping with the needs and positive experience for the surrounding urban community."

Sehon says crews would normally plan to place and finish the 7,000 yards in one single pour, but because of daytime hour restraints, they had to split up the mat foundation placement into six smaller sections.


该项目由Genton Property Group(GPG)开发,由CallisonRtkl洛杉矶办公室设计,Martyn Lawrence Bullard提供室内设计。


除了顶层公寓外,该建筑还提供58个豪华公寓和联排别墅,横跨三个翅膀 - 塔楼,Wethly Wing和Almont Wing - 平均尺寸超过2,400平方英尺,并提供开放式室内/室外生活空间,这些空间需要全年自然光和视图的全部优势。

The Tower will house 37 residences, including the Penthouse, five Tower Estates and 31 residences. Two distinctive wings – one on Wetherly Drive and one on Almont Drive – will each have 11 units that create a residential experience that is closely connected to the neighborhood and building amenities.

"This will be an iconic building that resonates back to Los Angeles and the LA School of Architecture, translated to a vertical platform," said GPG chief executive officer Jonathan Genton at the ground breaking ceremony in 2015.

这份工作的结构工程师是John A. Martin&Associates。Sehon说,该项目的一个有趣的结构方面是,由于相邻的财产限制,需要在支线的南部高度上使用耙子支撑系统。他说:“我们将不得不通过挡住甲板和墙壁来建立牙套,直到结构完全达到地面为止。”“那时将把耙子拆除,地板和墙壁的出口将被填充。”
