The $53-million Pacific Visions expansion project at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach reached a major milestone on October 17, as the final panel of glass was placed on its rolling, wave-like façade.


EHDD设计建筑师Quyen Luong表示:“通过研究,实验和测试,我们开发了一种生物形态结构,以形式和材料表达唤起海洋的流动性。”“这种形式本身源自太平洋的丰富生物多样性,指的是微观的活形形式和大量鲸鱼。在与[玻璃立面工程师] Buro合作时,有机形式合理化为800个独特的[玻璃]面板,这些面板固定在钢结构周围。”


Each panel is uniquely sized with the help of Catia and Revit software to accommodate the curves and angles of the building’s form. They were fabricated by Pulp Studio in Gardena, CA, while the glass cladding system and secondary support steel was designed, fabricated, and installed by Woodbridge Glass and Sentech Architectural Systems. Clark Construction is serving as general contractor on the project.


Duncan Ballash, president of EHDD, told me it required a lot of mock-ups, glazing assemblies, and experimentation to get the right effect on the glass so it would not have any reflections and to give it “some depth and luminosity and the feeling of the ocean.”



2绿色的扩张是追求评级水珠es from the Green Building Initiative, which is equivalent to LEED Silver. Officials say the project is designed to achieve 24 percent reduction in energy compared to similar buildings and will produce its own energy through a clean energy fuel cell system, rather than drawing electricity from the local grid. Sustainability features include efficient heating and cooling systems, low-flow fixtures in the restrooms, bird-friendly glass, recycling of construction waste, LED lighting, and environmentally friendly paints, carpets, adhesives, and sealants for clean indoor air quality.
