一年一度的Infraday West会议将12月4日带到了洛杉矶市中心的洲际酒店,将数百名建筑行业专业人士,数十位专家发言人和大量的大牌赞助商带到了讨论运输和基础设施市场面临的重要问题。


One of the first panel discussions of the day highlighted Los Angeles Infrastructure projects. LA is investing in new infrastructure that will expand its transit system, pursue sustainability and make it easier for the public to move around. The panel featured infrastructure executives across disciplines, talking about new and exciting developments in the city. Moderated by Anna Hermelin, transport & infrastructure partner with Ashurst, the forum featured directors and engineers from many of LA’s infrastructure departments.


另一个有趣的会议标题为“水基础设施:能源效率 - 资源恢复”。讨论由Scott Esposito主持,主要技术解决方案,Oracle Construction&Engineering。小组成员是圣路易斯·奥比斯波市的水资源回收设施主管克里斯·雷曼(Chris Lehman);南加州大都会水域首席工程师John Bednarski;大洛杉矶县媒介控制区运营总监马克·丹尼尔(Mark Daniel);林肯市公共工程部城市工程师公共工程总监Ray Leftwich;格伦代尔市公共工程总监Yazdan Emrani。



“The life cycle of a pipe is no more than 50 or 60 years and many of these pipes are performing way beyond their original design,” he said. “When you look throughout the state, we have all these old pipes that are ticking time bombs ready to break. And they don’t break between 8 am and 5pm; they break at 2am or on Christmas Eve and Super Bowl Sunday.”


在“实现一个数字生命周期提供your Capital Projects” presentation, Aurigo’s chief technology officer Kevin Koenig talked about managing capital infrastructure delivery with the latest software technology. As owners and contractors attempt to efficiently move construction data from planning to design to construction, they are learning that there are a number of new software products around that help manage the different phases of their construction lifecycle.

Koenig在Aurigo的职位上,帮助他的公司成为一家领先的资本项目技术公司。18luck官网Infraday West赞助商Aurigo表示,其Aurigo Masterworks Cloud Suite软件正在帮助管理北美的州和本地PUM(正在管理的项目)中管理超过3000亿美元。18luck官网

Other panel topics at Infrday West included keys to successful project delivery; building social venues like stadiums and universities; the future of infrastructure; and the latest transportation technologies.