
The “road trip” sorta kinda started last week, when I took Amtrak—which just 5 days later derailed between Philadelphia and NYC (and, subsequently, still was the subject of adamant GOP-led refusals to up its funding)—to Boston to meet Dan and Mrs. Martin. We visited a couple of DPWs too. So that was a “soft” start

Another soft start occurred when Dan arrived in NYC yesterday, the 13Th,并遇到了我的Enn同事。新利luck这次旅行有两个主要组成部分:访问大型建筑项目和访问公共工程部门的设施。18luck官网我们今天开始了第一次正式的建筑工地访问,并与纽约港口管理局和新泽西州计划经理的丹尼斯·斯巴特(Dennis Stabile)一起看了1亿美元的Bayonne Bridge Project。

Often when asked what’s particularly interesting about a project, the officials will say, “Well, it’s somewhat unique…” This project is unique. I don’t know where else you will find a higher-elevation roadway being built one half at a time while the existing lower-elevation roadway is demolished one half at a time, all within the existing untied arch truss that has historic status, with no right-of-way acquisitions BUT with houses literally jutting up right next to the site that has 300-ft cranes AND is under the jurisdiction of two states AND a lane of traffic in each direction maintained all the while

Really not a bad way to start off!