5月18日,星期一:T他的实际上是丹和我真正在公路旅行中度过了一整天的第一天- 很难。真的,真的很难。

马丁夫人在与当地DPW访问的途中陷入了费城的交通。天气很热 - 正是我们试图避免的天气。从摄像机和充电器到无休止地操纵GPS以无缝地到达华盛顿的无休止的尝试,我无助地在电线和设备的海洋中沉迷。

丹和我不止一次地互相抢购 -this first real day trip together. Even at the end of the day, we started quarreling over the next leg of the route to Louisville. Dan even said, “Maybe this isn’t gonna work out.”

Maybe it’s this hard for Congress to agree on infrastructure funding, too?


For me, the daunting reality of trying to manipulate multiple electronic devices and skills – and for Dan, the ongoing reality of trying to make Mrs. Martin keep functioning despite her age and obsolescence – all came back to the metaphor of infrastructure.

