
If someone at a construction project hinted that they might punch you in the face, you'd know right away that you were being bullied.


间接的暴力威胁不一定违反法律,但是如今,您不能再去一周,而没有听到有关学校或网络欺凌的消息。毫不奇怪,反欺凌法律涵盖了工作场所的口头和情感折磨have been introduced in 21 state legislatures但是业务成功地将它们击倒了。


The bad behavior, sexual harassment and bullying should be diminishing as people wise up.

Do you know or see any sexual harassment or bullying at your construction job? We'd like to know and invite you to comment below.

毫不奇怪,在仍然主要由男性工作的行业中,男人提出了五分之一的性骚扰诉讼中的大约一个。最近有少数路易斯安那州的虐待案件,例如Kerry Woods诉Boh Bros. Case, the Cherry vs. Shaw Coastal case, and another case involving Shaw Group, where a young man says he was hounded by co-workers and even assaulted when they held him down an stuck a pen in him.

ENR's been counting the cases of sexual harassment in the industry that have come to conclusions that show up in legal databases, and there have been about 80 in the last 10 years.

Most of them get thrown out or overturned on appeal, including the ones where men harass other men. Although there may have been despicable behavior involved, judges are ruling that the accusations just don't rise to the legal definition of persistent and part of a hostile work environment.

法官还说,正如他们在推翻了对Boh Bros.的决定时所做的那样,该标题VII并未为清理建筑业的文化或阻止男人四处奔波甚至残酷地行为。

I consider these same-sex harassment cases involving men to be proxies that show what could happen if anti-bullying laws for the workplace ever are widely adopted. Meaning waves of costly lawsuits.

Has any of this kind of harassment and bullying happened at construction or design companies where you work?


