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Every three years, ENR sends a team of news reporters to Las Vegas to coverCONEXPO-CON/AGG今年,最大的建设活动March 4-8 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.


As usual, will also be setting aside personal time for you in the McGraw-Hill Construction booth, located at S-63415, in the South Hall. Below is a schedule of this year's Meet the Editors program once the show kicks off.

And don't forget to check in daily to our special CONEXPO microsite at新利,您可以在这里观看最新消息,观看视频,甚至可以看到自己的推文在我们的自定义供稿上飞来飞去。

We look forward to seeing you in Vegas!

Tuesday, March 4

上午9:00 - 上午10:00
Jan Tuchman, Editor-in-Chief
上午10:00 - 上午11:00
都铎·范·汉普顿(Tudor Van Hampton),副编辑区域
上午11:00 - 下午12:00
Jan Tuchman, Editor-in-Chief
John Guzzon, Consulting Editor, ENR Southwest

1:00 p.m. — 4:00 p.m.
Jan Tuchman, Editor-in-Chief


上午9:00 - 上午10:00
产品新闻编辑Jeff Rubenstone

10:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.
都铎·范·汉普顿(Tudor Van Hampton),副编辑区域
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Luke Abaffy, Associate Editor, Multimedia
2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Mark Shaw, Editor, ENR Mountain States and