There are perils in the coming massive federal public works program, or what we’ll soon be calling the Trump-Frastructure (see scorecard below text).

Before we over-celebrate the prospect of a trillion-dollar public works initiative that originates with President-Elect Donald Trump, he will first have to steamroll the deficit and budget hawks among his new buddies in the Republican Congress.老鹰队很可能会在赌场碎屑游戏中像骰子一样为特朗普滚动。特朗普在这一计划中的盟友将包括参议院的民主少数派。基础设施支出直接来自民主剧本。这是每个政治家的经济能源饮料。正如公共工程融资编辑比尔·莱因哈特(Bill Reinhardt)敦促的那样,在利率仍然很低的同时,最好快点。



如果您遇到与所有者机构项目团队的争执,而特朗普总统参与了互动,请不要期望Civilian Board of Contract Appealsto be your salvation, as it has in several recent cases. Trump doesn’t know it exists or care about what’s fair under contract terms. If he thinks he is acting in the public’s interest, or isn’t sleeping well, your company could become a target of one his 3 a.m. tweets. And since his tendency is to rule rather than govern, don’t expect to cut any kind of deal as you might have under another administration.


Among other historical precedents, this president-elect has personally sat on more retained payments to contractors than any president in history.

And he has lobbed more lawsuits, and been the target of more claims, than all previous 44 presidents combined. Altogether,3,500 legal entanglements,根据《今日美国》的计数。

Someone riding along in Trump’s inauguration-day chariot ought to whisper in his ear that federal or federally-funded public works—a $3-billion bridge, or a $500-million airport—isn’t a golf course or apartment skyscraper or skating rink in Central Park.

Below is a preliminary score sheet of design and construction risks for Trump Administration federal public works. Feel free to weigh in, in the comment section.

Trump Administration

Construction Risk Score Sheet

Higher Lower

Public works volume decrease x

Overall regulatory burden x


Environmental design decrease x

Federal payment delay x



Tax burden x

International trade friction/war x

Continuing manufacturing decline x

Coal industry decline x

Renewable energy decline x

P3 growth x