
The Dept. of Energy’s largest-ever waste cleanup project, located in southeast Washington, aims to turn 56 million gallons of chemical and radioactive waste stored in underground tanks since World War II—the result of more than four decades of plutonium production—and use a vitrification process to turn the waste into vitrified glass for long-term safe storage.

为此,Bechtel National Inc.继续建造Vit工厂。为了沿着168亿美元的项目进行延迟的过程,官员们定居于直接的饲料低活动性废物计划,该计划允许在工厂的高级部分之前完成低活动性废物处理设施。作为该项目的一部分,工作人员需要完成低活动性废物处理设施以及分析实验室和20个支持结构。



“Our Analytical Laboratory is a key component of meeting regulatory requirements for tank waste treatment,” Tom Fletcher, WTP federal project manager and direct-feed low-activity waste program manager for the DOE’s Office of River Protection, said in a statement. “The work to develop analytical processes, procedures and methods is an important step to being ready to treat low-activity waste and preparing the workforce for the upcoming commissioning phase.”


“化学家代表永久的另一组positions to support plant commissioning, along with 95 commissioning technicians currently working in the control room of the plant’s Low-Activity Waste Facility Annex and throughout the plant,” Valerie McCain, a principal vice president and project director for Bechtel, said in a statement.

化学家首先在帕斯科附近的哥伦比亚盆地学院的一个小规模的异地实验室工作,在过去的一年中,实验室团队与Vit Pant工程师合作,分析了由低活动性废物模拟和玻璃形成材料制成的玻璃。相同的分析方法将验证实际设施中玻璃玻璃符合DOE标准。

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