Pilot projects will come aplenty in Portland as the new Rose Lane Project takes shape over the next two years to move buses and streetcars out of traditional traffic lanes and into a — potentially — speedier situation through the use of bus-only transit lanes and signal improvements.

波特兰市议会投票通过了波特兰运输局的努力采用Rose Lane Project,该项目是今年夏天开始的,作为中央城市运动概念的一部分,以改善城市市区核心的运输。特别是Rose Lane项目将扩大过境优先级的网络,以便通过市区更快,更可靠地通过市区进行公交服务。

This effort takes its most noticeable form in the use of bright red bus-only lanes. Portland recently experimented with a trio of bus-only lanes in the city, including one that traversed the Burnside Bridge, with the bureau saying that delays were reduced up to 75 percent during rush hour in some places and cutting minutes from commutes.

To expand the Rose Lane effort, the city will kick off 29 pilot projects, centered downtown, which, the bureau says, will have a ripple effect throughout the entire region to speed service and reliable service times by reducing delays in the most congested areas of service.

Along with the visible bus-only lanes, which often pair near bicycle-only lanes, the Rose Lane Project will also work on making transit signal improvements that could allow buses to start sooner than vehicle traffic, ensuring the buses move through city streets at a quicker clip than vehicle traffic.

The first areas that will see the updates include an extension of the eastbound bus lane from the Burnside Bridge to East 12th大道,MLK和Brand Street上的优先车道,可为公共汽车和有轨电车提供服务,一辆公共汽车和车道以及从霍索尔桥到SE 12H大道的交叉和自行车改进,SE Madison Street沿线的公交车道改进,骑自行车,安全和公共汽车线改进在西北百老汇以及柯林斯圈子的巴士优先级和交通信号升级。

The Rose Lane Project grew from the city’s enhanced transit corridors plan, adopted in June 2018. The February vote by the city council allows for installation of the quick-build pilot projects in 2020 while staff continues to identify a network vision for enhancing the project. With the goal of a faster, more frequent and fuller transit system, the Rose Lane Project will also get its own visual identity to create a “memorable” aesthetic that promotes transit. In 2021 and beyond, the Portland Bureau of Transportation expects to continue pilot project deployment, monitoring and modifications.

Follow Tim Newcomb at@tdnewcomb.