A recentfront-page article in the Wall Street Journal暗示“分析导致更长的游戏动作更少”。然后,WSJ需要50列英寸,以解释“这使得棒球是如何使棒球的早期使用大型数据策略的一般方式所接受的,这是一个案例研究,这是其意想不到的后果。”新利luck


In my practice of helping contractors not only get their projects in on time, but early, so that they can earn a bonus or save perhaps months of overheads, and in my classes at Drexel and Temple Universities, and at my Construction CPM Conference, and in my efforts to help software developers improve their products, I do a few things. I stress the effort to collect, enter, calculate, interpret and disseminate data tthat adds a parasitic expenditure to our endeavor for time and cost improvement. Asking the carpenter to put down the hammer after each swing to record that effort on his or her iPhone, then to pick up the hammer to swing again, will not improve productivity nor speed project completion.

Requiring the contractor to cost-load to the penny tasks split to match a cost code system (apparently placing rebar is a different cost code than tying rebar, thus requiring separate “activities” in at least one agency’s CPM specification) neither help track nor control the project.



Perhaps some will share via commenting here, some will discuss with the sales personnel of software providers, and some will join me at Construction CPM Conference, New Orleans, from January 30 to February 2, 2018.