
那是因为5月9日,来自PCL Civil Constructors,Inc。的机组人员,驱动了新结构的673基础基础堆that will replace the Bonner Bridge across Oregon Inlet.

The existing 53-year old, 2.7-mile prestressed concrete girder structure was for more than a decade the flashpoint of controversy between local residents on tourism-dependent Hatteras Island, who wanted to retain their sole highway link to the mainland, and a coalition of environmental groups contending that preserving the status quo threatened the island’s delicate ecosystem, much of which is part of a federally managed National Seashore.

Further, the environmental groups argued, is Hatteras Island’s gradual migration toward the mainland, potentially rendering any major onshore infrastructure investment moot in a matter of decades. Washouts and erosion along Route 12 were increasing in frequency, with even a minor storm enough to require yet another emergency rebuilding effort. A hurricane might well sever the island permanently, as happened in 2011 when Hurricane Irene cut a new inlet that isolated Hatteras Island’s residents for several weeks.

他们说,更好的是,在Pamlico Sound建造一座17英里的桥梁以绕过最敏感的地区,但它的成本至少为10亿美元。

Meanwhile, the Bonner Bridge just got older, it’s problems multiplying both above and below the surface of Oregon Inlet. Scour from the inlet’s powerful currents became a persistent safety concern, with a 2013 incident forcing2013年桥梁为期两周的关闭。根据北卡罗来纳州交通运输部(NCDOT)的数据,其更换的成本也增加了,2011年授予PCL和HDR工程的最初耗资2.158亿美元的设计建设项目现在估计为2.46亿美元。

这场战斗从一项法院禁令到另一项禁令,直到去年夏天,NCDOT和联盟达成了妥协。NCDOT同意寻求新的选择,以减轻该岛最麻烦的侵蚀区域,包括Rodanthe村附近的“水罐手柄”结构,这些结构将绕过最脆弱的地区。作为回报,环保团体对Bonner Bridge更换的诉讼放弃了诉讼。

在2018年秋季,当前的Bonner桥最终可以站立并拆除。In the interim, more 110- to 130- ft pilings will be added from the middle of the Inlet back toward the shores, creating a foundation for a structure bridges not just a couple of windswept barrier islands, but also two differing perspectives about what’s best for their future.