
On June 28,国会办公室被告知发现高水平的潜在客户in the Cannon House Office Building’s water supply. An email from House office buildings superintended William Widemeyer cited lead levels “slightly above the EPA standard” as being sufficient reason for turning off all drinking water sources and office-provided filtration units while the cause is investigated.

A subsequent notice from the Architect of the Capitol负责监督美国国会大厦综合大楼的运作,报告说,对炮大楼26个饮用水区域的测试显示,铅含量为5个,铅含量从每十亿分之15份的EPA标准高于每十亿分的2到56份。尽管这些测试的日期尚未披露,但据报道,该系统的最新测试据报道没有发现不安全的结果。

Several Members of Congress have criticized the Architect’s office for failing to provide detailed information about the tests and contamination levels, and their potential health ramifications.

826,465平方英尺的加农炮办公大楼建于1908年,是三个国会山设施中最古老的设施中最古老的,可为435名代表及其员工提供办公室和支持空间。A10年,7.527亿美元的翻新计划,于2015年1月开始,以解决什么Architect’s websitesays are “serious safety, health, environmental and operational issues that are rapidly worsening.” This would appear to include structural and building systems that “have not been modernized during the building’s existence.”

AECOM和McDonough Bolyard Peck的合资企业正在弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯(Fairfax)担任该项目的建筑经理,其中包括替换和升级,冷却,冷却,照明,管道,管道,消防和生命安全,可访问性,可访问性和结构完整性系统。The project’s most recent update包括在建筑物车库中安装公用事用管,机械和电气室。