
Some of the key requirements of an effective Heat Illness Prevention Program have been amended including: addressing access to water, shade, high heat procedures, written procedures, acclimatization, weather monitoring, and employee and supervisory training.

·Trigger Temperature for the Provision of Shade- 当温度达到80度(以前是85度)时,现在需要阴影。预计雇主有望知道温度是否会超过触发温度并需要相应计划。

·Shade –The language was amended to include a provision that shade, whether artificial or natural, does not expose employees to unsafe or unhealthy conditions and “…它不阻止也阻止访问ss or use.”基本上,阴影必须容易让员工到达。工人在朝着阴凉处移动或在阴影中休息时,不应遇到任何障碍,危险或不愉快的不愉快条件。现在,应该有足够的阴影可供可以在任何时候进行预防性冷却休息,休息或进餐期的员工人数。

·Provision of Water –The language was amended to specify that water is to be provided free of charge as is to be fresh, pure, suitably cool and located as close as possible to where employees are working. The purpose of these specific conditions is to encourage workers to drink water often and to avoid significant interruption in an employee’s work in order to do so.

·High Heat Procedures– High Heat Procedures need to be implemented when the temperature reaches 95 degrees. Part of the revised language includes wording that the employer must implement one or more of the following: they must have a supervisor/designee observe the employees, or institute a mandatory buddy system or have regular communication with the employee. Holding a pre-shift meeting is requiredwhere, among other topics, employees are encouraged to drink plenty of water throughout their shift and are reminded that they have the right to take a cool-down rest break when necessary.

·Emergency Response Procedures –修订后的语言阐明了,如果员工受到热病疾病的侵害,必须尽快提供紧急医疗服务,如果员工无法直接接触这些服务,该怎么办(例如,因为手机覆盖不可用)。必须制定,实施,并成为员工和监督人员培训的一部分。

·适应性 -员工吃晚饭现在需要密切观察ervisor during a heat wave. “Heat wave” is defined here as any day in which the predicted high temperature for the day will be at least 80 degrees and at least ten degrees higher than the average high daily temperature in the preceding 5 days. Workloads should be adjusted accordingly to allow for physical demands.

·Training –An employee’s training must include what the employer’s responsibilities are regarding provision of water, shade, cool-down rests, access to first aid, types of heat illness, environmental/personal risk factors for heat illness and emergency response procedures. Supervisory staff should also have specific training on heat illness prevention management and scope of authority on employee rest breaks and emergency response.

·Written Heat Illness Prevention Plan –如果有非英语的员工,那么该计划还必须转化为大多数员工所理解的语言。该计划的副本必须在Worksite上可用。

A common question is: Can a single contractor/vendor supply water and/or shade for all contractors/vendors on site? The answer is yes, but every individual employer is still responsible for implementing an effective Heat Illness Prevention Program for their respective employees. Agreement to accept delegation or sharing of specific responsibilities of the program between parties will not absolve any violations. Employers are ultimately responsible for their respective employees.

有关更新现有计划的更多信息,请单击下面的链接,指向“预防热病法规修正案 - 针对新要求的雇主和雇员指南”,由Cal-OSHA于2015年3月23日发布。
