
There is no question that effective communication will substantially reduce the likelihood of an E&O (errors and omissions) claim and help reduce the severity of those claims that do occur. So how good is your Communication SOP? Does your staff know what is expected of them when it comes to communicating with others and documenting all of the details on their projects?

我们已经开发出一种交流最佳实践ocument that deals with both the minimum standards and the best practices for communication and documentation. While you may not feel the need to develop a full-blown Best Practices SOP, there are certain items you should make your staff aware of.

A very simple first rule is this: Any conversations, discussions or commitments that are even remotely important need to be documented in writing. This may be an email back to the other party confirming what was discussed, or it may be a note to attach to the project file. Regardless, it needs to be documented. If it isn’t in writing, it didn’t happen!

It is critical that your communications clearly spell out who is to do what and by when. It is equally important to follow through on your commitments and follow up on the commitments of others. This requires clarity and discipline. If you tell someone you will do something by a certain date, you need to follow through or at a minimum alert the other side that you can’t make the original deadline and set a new one. Unfulfilled commitments are often the basis of a claim.


