ENR New York is seeking applicants for our Legacy Award, to be given at the Best Projects event in New York on October 13.

The Legacy Award is given annually by ENR regional editors to an individual in their regions who has achieved a lifetime legacy of service, both to the AEC profession and the community.

ENR New York includes New York and New Jersey.

The nomination deadline isAug. 31, 2016. Send nominations to me at zevina@enr.com

Keep reading to learn the criteria for nominees as well as information for nominating people in other ENR regions:

Eligibility:Individuals may be nominated by industry colleagues, themselves or ENR editors. Age, working status (still working in the industry or retired), and professional roles or titles are not major factors in the nominations.

选择标准:Individual nominees must have demonstrated significant lifelong contributions to the industry as a whole and to their chosen professions. There are no forms to fill out or entry fees to pay. Here’s the nomination process:

  • 提名一个个体是否发起h a short (preferably one-page) letter of reference from the individual’s nominator or colleague(s) familiar with key elements of his/her career. This letter should be addressed to the ENR editor covering the region in which the nominee works (see the list of states below).
  • Nominations must also include a full business curriculum vitae, with career highlights, including innovations and key projects or initiatives worked on or managed.
  • Optional:Nominations can also include list of publications, white papers, articles, news stories written about (or authored by) the individual relevant to his/her career. Photos of work are encouraged as well. A color mug shot is optional, but recommended.
  • Optional:Nominations can also include a summary of the individual’s key activities outside the industry: community service, mentoring, teaching, political or government offices held, etc.
  • Names of the nominators may be kept confidential from the candidate (if requested) until the process has reached the finalists’ stage.
  • Nominee finalists may be asked to submit a short letter or statement about their interest in the award and provide other information as requested before final selection. The regional ENR editors will vote collectively to decide the winners.

Remember, there is no charge for entering this contest. The deadline for nominating candidates for this year’s Legacy Award for each region is listed below. Please send your nominations, by region, directly to the appropriate editor.

If you have questions about the nominations process, please call ENR Mountain States Editor Mark Shaw at 303-526-0620 or email at: shawm@enr.com

The nomination deadline for the following regions isAugust 31, 2016.

  • ENR New York (including New Jersey, New York): Editor Alisa Zevin, zevina@enr.com
  • ENR Texas & Louisiana (including Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas): Editor Louise Poirier, poirierl@enr.com
  • ENR California (including California, Hawaii): Editor Scott Blair, blairs@enr.com
  • ENR Mountain States (including Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming) Editor Mark Shaw: shawm@enr.com
  • ENR Southwest (including Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada): Editor John Guzzon, ENRSouthwestEditor@bnpmedia.com
  • ENR Southeast (including Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee): Editor Scott Judy, judys@enr.com
  • ENR Midwest (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin): Editor Mike Anderson, andersonmd@enr.com
  • ENR Mid-Atlantic (including Washington D.C., Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia): Editor Justin Rice, jriceenr@gmail.com

The nomination deadline for the following regions isSept. 16, 2016.

  • ENR New England (including Connecticut, Maine, Mass., New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont): Editor Justin Rice, jriceenr@gmail.com
  • ENR Northwest (including Alaska, Oregon, Washington): Editor John Guzzon, jguzzon.enr@gmail.com

We're looking forward to hearing about your longtime "legacy" leaders.