2015年夏天,总部位于纽约的Highmark被利用,在Etsy在布鲁克林的新总部大楼中安装了雨水收集系统。以下是与高明创始人理查德·格贝(Richard Gerbe)和安东尼·桑纳扎罗(Anthony Sannazzaro)有关该系统的问答环节,其收益及其实施方式。




Sannazzaro:大多数建筑物在纽约实现rainwater harvesting system because the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) requires a stormwater detention tank be installed in new buildings. However, the Etsy headquarters in Brooklyn was a retrofit of an existing building and it wasn’t required that a tank be installed. Etsy decided to install a rainwater retention tank and conduct water treatment purely for sustainability purposes. Additionally, Etsy partook in the Living Building Challenge, a top measure of sustainability, which required that all building materials be environmentally friendly and have low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which we fulfilled for the rainwater harvesting system. What’s more, Etsy opted to use a customized, pre-built water treatment system that was constructed, wired and programmed in a factory, thus maximizing efficiencies but preventing contractors on the ground from guaranteeing proper functionality. HIGHMARK took on the responsibility of ensuring that the whole system worked together seamlessly and met the Living Building Challenge requirements.




What challenges did HIGHMARK face when implementing the system?


HIGHMARK is currently in talks to install the system in other buildings throughout New York City. You can read more about the process athttp://www.highmark-ny.com/