
增加了对致电亚利桑那州的国家数据的追究 - 由旧金山和圣保罗,Minn。领导人 - 丹佛公立学区是禁止的员工在这里采取与工作相关的旅行。然而,目前尚不清楚他们实际采取多少旅行。一些请将大联盟棒球招手下列,将明年的全明星游戏从凤凰城中移动。


对手已经在挑战法律方面已经排列。这亚利桑那共和国报告 联邦法院提交了三项诉讼,包括代表亚利桑那州警察的两名诉讼。其中一名官员在西装上说官员没有种族中立的方式,以确定个人的移民身份 - 合理的断言。

Opponents claim that police will be forced to check immigration status of anyone they come in lawful contact with – not just in criminal cases, but during traffic stops and ordinance enforcement (barking dogs, loud parties). Lawmakers in favor of the bill insist the wording doesn’t authorize police to randomly raid jobsites and ask for proof of citizenship. But perhaps to preempt the impending lawsuits, the Arizona House made several modifications to the bill Thursday. According to the亚利桑那共和国,立法者从一个句子中删除了“单独”这个词,说明官员“可能不仅仅是考虑种族,颜色或国家来源”建立怀疑,即某人是非法的。他们还改变了“合法的联系”,以“合法的停止,拘留或逮捕”。参议院仍然必须在向总督发出批准之前批准这些变化。

’s construction community has been largely on the sidelines of this current round of immigration debate, not surprising considering the depressed labor market. As more groups and businesses join the growing boycott of Arizona and Arizona-based businesses, I worry that the strongest impact to our industry will be the stifling of commercial development, which is already on life support. It’s no wonder that one of the law’s most vocal opponents is Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon. He’s likely afraid that his city’s new $1-billion conference center and downtown hotel will sit empty as a result of this law.

。我们在墨西哥城后面排名第二。这是全国最繁荣的城市之一领先于世界上一些最危险的地方 - Beirut,Karachi,巴格达 - 在绑架上。它主要是由于墨西哥和亚利桑那州之间的猖獗的人类,武器和贩毒贩运。

Unfortunately, this new law will likely only deter law-abiding, legal immigrants from travelling to Arizona, and will leave those who are already breaking the law un-phased.

讽刺是,这是许多亚利桑那州立法者(包括新移民法后面)的争论,以解雇枪支法律 - 说枪法只会影响守法公民,而罪犯继续规避他们。
