Due to popular demand and some busy and hectic times, the ENR Southwest regional design firm survey will remain open for an additional 7 days, from March 6 to March 13.
Each year, the design firm rankings of some of the biggest and brightest firms—as well as those breaking new ground—paint a portrait of the work they performed in the region through revenue data. Our team at ENR then collates, analyzes and crunches that data into types, geography and more.
The result is a yearly snapshot of the players, projects and vivacity of the construction community in that region.
But like the projects these firms deliver upon, creating the annual design firm survey is hard work: and, in aggregate, likely more time intensive for the firms that participate. But, as can be seen by the great projects built in the Southwest, hard work is nothing for these firms. Nor is meeting deadlines and schedules. Commercial construction professionals know owners value commitments and delivering on schedule.
The main reason we are extending is ENR Southwest is our publication is among the first regional design firm surveys to close submissions due to our internal production schedules. Also, our deadline precedes the end of the first quarter of 2017, which often add to the pressure as many public firms are still undergoing annual statement ruminations.
So, it happens.
But 7 days is all the schedule will provide. Our production schedule mandates we announce our Design Firm of the Year before March 22, which is a scant 8 working days after March 13.
If you’re one of the firms who have already submitted for this year’s survey, thank you.
如果你是其中一个公司保修期内l working on it, thank you as well.
And, if you are one of the people at one of the firms who are working on it but have not submitted yet, well, would it be impolite to tell you to get back to work?