On Feb. 8, the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada granted Techren Solar a Utility Environmental Protection Act permit for a project that involves a solar power facility, substation, and transmission line.
Techren Solar has been vying for the opportunity to lead the Techren Boulder City Solar Project since April 2012 when it filed an application for a permit to begin construction with the commission. As reported by ELP, the project consists of a 300-MW photovoltaic solar-powered electric generating facility; a substation with 34.5-kV to 230-kV step-up transformers; roughly four miles of a 230-kV transmission line or three miles of a 500-kV transmission line; and associated facilities to be located in Boulder City, Nev.
Additionally, in November 2016, Techren filed a second amended application which asked to modify the project description of the proposed facility in order to make changes to the original transmission line so that it would also include a path to the Nevada Solar One (NSO) substation, a new access road, and two water pipelines to the solar field. While Techren has stated it will only build a 100MW and a 230-kV transmission line, the company has decided to retain the 300-MW capacity originally proposed for the project simply so they have the option of expanding.
Department of Justice issued a press release announcing that Joseph Dubois of Albuquerque, N.M., pled guilty in federal court last week for “evading federal taxes and fraudulently presenting a fictitious surety bond.” Dubois, the owner of Regency Development Group, must now pay $410,520 in restitution.
Information presented in the case explains Dubois evaded his federal corporate tax obligations from November 2011 to October 2013 by opening and then hiding a series of bank accounts to avoid tax liens, and conceal assets to avoid their seizure. Dubois also made a habit of creating fake surety bonds as well as other documents and then presenting them as authentic.
The case was investigated by the Albuquerque office of IRS Criminal Investigation and Department of the Interior, Office of Inspector General, and prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeremy Pena. Dubois will faces a statutory maximum penalty of 25 years in federal prison. A sentencing hearing has yet to be scheduled.
卡顿儿童医疗中心的五楼玩具壁橱第二次致力于Willmeng Construction Inc.的前病人,女儿Audrey Jane Murphy。
Audrey was born 1 lb., 10 oz and spent the first five months of her life in the NICU unit at Cardon Children’s and was later the first baby ever to be discharged with an oxygen requirement of just two liters per minute. In January, six-year-old Audrey had her final medical procedure, the removal of her feeding tube, and while nervous prior to the appointment, she stated in a press release that she felt better to have the tube out—and a toy right after.
New Hotel Announced in Downtown Phoenix
Mortenson Construction宣布,它已在希尔顿(Hilton)的汉普顿旅馆和套房上破土动工,在凤凰城市中心的第一和波尔克街道的交叉口,位于亚利桑那州立大学市中心校园以南。该公司预计将在2018年夏季完成建设。
由PK Architects and Design Force设计的11层,210键的酒店将是Mortenson在过去三年中开发的第二家汉普顿旅馆和套房。
Mortenson房地产开发总监Nate Gundrum通过新闻稿说:“我们的网站位于战略上,旨在捕获该市核心中央商务区以及ASU和Phoenix Biomedical Campus的酒店需求。”Gundrum认为,该位置是一个很好的“力量”,可以增强凤凰城的市区住宿选择。
MA Studio MA宣布,它赢得了一项合同,在凤凰城的Arcadia附近设计了一个名为Hollyhock的新填充住房开发项目。亚利桑那州现任年度AIA公司MA Studio MA已在其多个屡获殊荣的住房概念(例如Arthaus and Prd 845)中以创新性而闻名。
Hollyhock will include 11 one and two-story energy efficient/low water living units with private gardens, lush walkways, and a community commons with a total area of 12,964 sq ft. The primary materials will be glass, faux stucco, galvanized metal, natural wood and exposed concrete floors.
MA Studio是由AIA克里斯蒂安娜·莫斯(Christiana Moss)领导的一家女性公司;技术专家Christopher Alt,R.A。;和建筑师Jason Boyer,AIA,LEED AP。
McCarthy Building Companies Inc. recently completed a three-year, $115-million expansion and campus renovation project at Regional Medical Center in Yuma, Ariz. According to a press release, the 35-acre expansion is part of YRMC’s effort to better support the community’s future growth as well as meet patient care needs and improve the patient experience.
The press release explains that the overhaul, which began in 2013, was part of the hospital’s design and construction team’s 13-phase approach to the project that includes a new 71,118-sq-ft ED expansion that increased ED bed capacity from 37 to 72, and accommodations for up to 109,000 visits annually. The buildings also account for the future with a shell-floor allowing room for a future dietary kitchen department, two additional shell-floors totally 100,000 sq ft to accommodate future medical, surgical or ICU beds, and new parking structures.
施工时间表很复杂,包括立即工作的多个工作人员,因此员工和患者不受该项目的困扰。Archsol LLC担任该项目的建筑师和室内设计师。其他项目团队成员包括PK Associates(结构工程师);Dahl,Robins&Associates(土木工程师);Norris Design(景观设计师)和Bridgers&Paxton咨询工程师(MEP)