EDITOR's NOTE: I've added a list of some of the reader-suggested brands below. Maybe there should be a "Hall of Fame" for former construction brands!

Maybe it's a hazard of the job, of more than 20 years as a construction industry journalist. Maybe, as a result of the lingering downturn, my mind is becoming nostalgic for the "good old days." Or maybe I'm just getting old, my future senility slowly sneaking up on me as my brain kicks up remembrances of things past for no apparent reason, in a "totally random" way, as my kids might say.

无论出于何种原因,我今天早上醒了,想着一件事 - “ Rinker”。您知道,那个以前的伟大建筑品牌,橙色混凝土混合器在佛罗里达州似乎几乎到处都是,这似乎是一个看似不断的进步和经济活力的迹象。

I still remember, as a very young kid, probably six or so, riding back from a family vacation, and passing a Rinker plant on the way home. It was a sign we were getting close to home, and our vacation would be completely over. Notably, even in my six-or-so-year-old mind, it wasn't just some concrete plant; it was a "Rinker" plant. In short, I guess that kid knew "Rinker" better than he knew "concrete."

That's ancient history, of course. Cemex bought Rinker several years ago, and now the "Rinker" brand is pretty much gone. Still, the name "Rinker" continues on in close connection to Florida's construction industry in the form ofthe University of Florida's M.E. Rinker Sr. School of Building Construction, and itsM.E. Rinker Hall, where classes are taught.

Today, Rinker is but one of many former great construction brands that have gone away, for one reason or another, in recent years. The most common cause is the merger or acquisition, but sometimes great brands fall by the wayside of their own causes.

Rather than try to name all of them myself, I thought it'd be fun to ask for your help. 您还记得什么著名的行业品牌?使用下面的评论功能来命名您记得的公司!

Here's a quick list of national and regional players, gone but not forgotten.

  1. Rinker - see above.
  2. PBS&J - recently acquired by W.S. Atkins.
  3. Centex/Centex-Rooney-Centex仍然是全国性的房屋建筑商,但我们的读者可能会认为这是由Balfour Beatty收购的前Centex-Rooney品牌。
  4. Bucyrus - Mining equipment manufacturing brand is in the process ofbeing retired by Caterpillar.
  5. Miller&Solomon-一位备受赞誉的南佛罗里达州总承包商,由于所有权问题,该公司在几年前就处于境内。
  6. Kraft Construction Co. - Naples, Fla.-based firm recently acquired by Manhattan Construction Co.
  7. Suitt建设——南卡罗lina-based firm that was purchased by BE&K Building Group, which is now part of KBR.
  8. 啤酒建筑 - 现在是美国Skanska大楼。(我一直喜欢这个名字。)
This list could surely be extended, so list the name brands you remember. And feel free to share your own memories related to these former icons of construction.

Readers Supply More Great Construction Brand Names:
  1. Morrison Knudsen - Idaho-based civil contractor that became Washington Group and eventually part of URS.
  2. Morse Diesel
  3. J.A. Jones
  4. Jim Walter Homes - Remember them? Certainly a different kind of company than the others listed, but then again, the builder of affordable, premanufactured homes was a different kind of company altogether.圣彼得堡时报documentedthe company's history在建造了35万户房屋之后,在2009年1月暂时关闭运营后不久。
  5. McDevitt&Street-由Bovis购买。
  6. Celotex
  7. Euclid - Heavy equipment manufacturer.

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