
“我们正在汽车行业的一场革命,”前美国运输部长雷·拉霍德(Ray Lahood)说,他主持了坦帕活动。“在技术,连通性和将来的去向方面,我们正在革命。”

Arguing that the future, widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles should “save a lot of lives” and greatly reduce injuries, LaHood reminded his audience that this “next generation of transportation” is going to require considerable public investment to outfit the nation’s infrastructure system with the necessary technology to support autonomous vehicles. “It takes money, and it takes leadership.”

Greg Krueger, HNTB’s program director for emerging technologies in transportation, put the safety aspect of autonomous vehicles into perspective when he compared the current number of daily auto fatalities as equivalent a pair of jetliners crashing daily. If the latter situation was occurring, Krueger argued, surely society would find an answer.


佛罗里达州参议员杰夫·布兰德斯(Jeff Brandes)是参议院运输委员会主席佛罗里达州参议员杰夫·布兰德斯(Jeff Brandes),将“明天的电力,大部分是自治的和很大程度上的点播”工具描述为“特斯拉和Uber的混合爱情”。布兰德斯认为当前的情况被困在“闪电和雷霆之间”,这意味着尽管人们可以看到自动驾驶汽车正在途中,但仍然很难理解未来的后果。



“People in Washington have not been willing to step up with resources,” says LaHood. Going on to describe that bill’s $300-billion annual funding rate as simply sufficient to “keep the status quo,” LaHood added, “That’s why 18 states have passed their own gas tax increases.”