After Donald Trump’s election and inauguration, construction industry representatives, and some politicians, began getting their hopes up that the new president would follow through on his statements urging big increases in infrastructure spending.


Despite that purpose, the Obama administration had eyed the project for termination, due to schedule and budget problems. MOX construction originally began in 2009, with a cost estimate of $4 billion. Recent cost estimates range from the contractor’s nearly $10-billion total, to more than $17 billion. By either estimate, completion is more than 10 years away.

Not pleased with the Obama administration’s wavering commitment to the MOX method of plutonium disposition—which was mandated by the treaty—RussianPresident Vladimir Putinlast October announced that Russia was suspending its participation in the agreement, known as the Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement (PMDA).

一个项目的支持者,核设施清纯甜美cil executive director David Blee, hoped that situation could be reversed when he告诉恩新利luckin March that the Trump administration represented “a chance for a reset on MOX and the Russians.”

And recently, Russia seemed hopeful that a Trump administration could get MOX back on track. In April, the Russian foreign affairs ministry noted in a陈述: “Russia is willing to consider the resumption of the operation of the PMDA once the U.S. addresses the causes of the fundamental change of circumstances with regard to those that existed at the time of the conclusion of the Agreement, and if the U.S. follows the agreed method of disposition.”

MOX is that "agreed method of disposition."

However, Trump’s recently released budget proposal that zeroes out MOX funding dashes the hopes of project supporters.

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham (R)—the MOX project’s most vocal proponent—is definitely not happy with President Trump’s decision to follow in Barack Obama’s footsteps on MOX. In a May 23postto his official website, entitled “Trump Budget Continues Obama Administration’s Failed Approach to MOX,” the senator stated, in part:


“原因很清楚。它违反了重要的国际不扩散协议。它还没有考虑到将多余物质放在地下所需的立法和监管变更。它未能考虑到过道的两侧的政治反对,这可能会发生,无疑会导致延长延迟。该计划将搁置材料 - 这是不可接受的。明确的处置路径的唯一选择是MOX。“

Meanwhile, the Union of Concerned Scientists—a longtime opponent of the MOX project—cheered特朗普的预算行动。埃德文莱曼表示,高级科学家,与UCS的高级科学家:“”大草原河网站上的MOX燃料制造厂是一款赚钱坑。通过稀释它并将其运送到永久性存储库来取消设施和处理多余的钚,将拯救纳税人数十亿美元 - 启动它将更安全,更安全。这是任何措施都是很大的。“
