最近,东南新利luck宣布its 2021 Southeast Best Projects award winners, which included 35 projects from across the region. Now, we’re announcing the winners of two other awards: Excellence in Safety, and Excellence in Sustainability.

It should be said that these are not just “additional” awards. It can be argued, in fact, that outstanding achievements in safety and sustainability are the two most important attributes that a construction project team—including the owner—should be striving to achieve. Fittingly, these two projects represent achievements that other contractors and design firms would do well to emulate.

Excellence in Safety Award

首先,今年的卓越安全奖旨在表彰Egger Wood Products项目,该项目此前曾宣布为今年最佳制造项目的获胜者。

经验丰富的建筑安全官员比尔·沃克(Bill Walker)协助判断今年的安全参赛作品卓越,他最近从北卡罗来纳州的SPC Mechanical退休,在那里他担任风险管理副总裁。去年协助ENR东南部的Walker指出,E新利luckgger项目以多种方式脱颖而出。


Also impressing Walker as a standout aspect of the project’s contest entry was the contractor’s decision to launch its new safety helmets (pictured above), which meet a higher standard for safety, and which “provide substantially more protection than a traditional hard hat,” according to the contractor.

ASHRAE Global Headquarters, Peachtree Corners, Ga.
Submitted by Skanska USA Building


Contractors and design firms worked together to transform a 1970s-era building into a net-zero energy office that serves as ASHRAE’s Global Headquarters.

This year, ENR’s Regional Best Projects program has updated its previous Best Green Building Award to its new title, the Excellence in Sustainability Award. Previously, projects had to be entered into the Green Building category to be considered for the Best Green Building award. This year, along with the name change, all Best Projects contestants have the opportunity to additionally submit their projects for additional consideration for the Excellence in Sustainability Award.

Assisting with the selection of this award was Robbie Ferris, CEO and president of Sfl+a Architects, Raleigh. Ferris, a two-time新利luckEnr新闻记者for separate achievements related to the design and construction of energy-positive schools and the financing thereof, offered ENR Southeast his thoughts on the importance of sustainability.


With some of those criteria in mind, Ferris found that the ASHRAE Global Headquarters project in Peachtree Corners, Ga., stood out. When the professional society relocated its global headquarters to a 1970s-era building, the goal was to use its own building standards to transform it into a net-zero-energy facility, and thereby showcasing the path to sustainability for existing structures. With an eye on keeping ASHRAE’s project budget in check, the team also had to meet the challenge of using donated equipment from various manufacturers to meet this goal.


More specifically, he said, “(The project team) did a great job re-using the existing building and site. The HVAC strategy is interesting and should result in lower energy costs. The building looks comfortable with glass and skylights strategically located. This will be a great example to the industry on how to re-use an existing building to create an energy-efficient building.”

These very important awards will be fittingly celebrated at ENR Southeast’s 2021 Best Projects Awards event, which will held Nov. 4 at the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld. You can find out more about the event这里.
