Just three weeks after Boston Mayor Marty Walsh called for training and placing 20,000 low-income Boston residents “in good jobs by the year 2022” in his Jan. 1 inaugural address, a successful program that helps minority and women students gain valuable construction industry experience paired students with industry mentors on an active construction. In its sixth year, the Construction Mentor Program is also helping address worker shortages on the city’s construction sites—where the Boston Resident Job policy requires construction companies to hire at least 40% minorities and at least 12% women.


该计划由总部位于波士顿的合规导师Group LLC(一家全方位服务的多样性合规性公司)经营,该计划在过去五年中已有40名学生完成了完整的计划。计划组织者称,所有40名学生现在都在该行业工作,或者正在攻读该行业的高等教育学位。

30岁的克里斯托弗·汉森(Christopher Hanson)去年毕业于该计划和本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin),现在是卡拉汉建筑经理的现场工程师。亨森在新闻稿中说:“有关我们在课堂上测试过的信息的事情点击了。”

Each fall, the program begins with 30 to 40 students who are then narrowed down to eight finalists through three phases. Chosen based on their academic record and aptitude and interest in construction, the finalists are paired up with mentors through the winter and spring.

“该计划允许承包商和分包商指导年轻人并找到熟练的工人,”拥有合规导师小组的妮可·里奇(Nicole Richer)说。“学生获得宝贵的劳动力准备技能,并与建筑专业人士建立联系。”

卡拉曼哈担任施工经理ll project, Walsh Brothers is partnering with the program for the second straight year. “The energy and the drive we have seen in the students who come to our job sites from [Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology] would have made Ben Franklin proud,” says Richard C. Walsh, Walsh Brothers chief executive.

Walsh also says his firm is “committed through our own apprenticeship programs and CMP student training to ensure a diverse and talented workforce.”

在过去的几年中,该计划的学生访问了其他七个项目网站,其中包括哈佛大学的另外五个项目。多年来,该计划还与其他五位建筑经理合作,包括Lee Kennedy Co. Inc.,Shawmut Design and Construction,Bond Brothers,John Moriarty and Associates Inc.和CWC Builders。

“Every year, it has been eye opening for our students to begin to understand all that goes into a commercial project,” says Emily Leopold, Benjamin Franklin’s director of career services and industry partnerships. “Mentees witness first-hand the monumental level of coordination that is necessary between a variety of stakeholders and contractors in order to complete an extremely complex project on-time and within budget.”