Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

  • My Username and Password does not work?
    a) If you are unsure of your exact username or password, you can retrieve your username and reset your passwordhere.

    b) It is also possible you are accessing the internet from a proxy server (e.g. like from work) that does not allow authentication to this domain.

    c)另一种可能是,你可能已经超过ed the number of connections that your browser allows (e.g. Internet Explorer) .You can reset the connections by closing you browser, re-opening it, and trying again.

  • Forgot your Username and/or Password?
  • I tried to retrieve my Username and Password, but I haven't received the email.
  • How do I update my profile? (e.g. email, address or Password)
  • How do I delete my account?
  • Are you experiencing a technical issue?
  • Have any suggestions accolades or comments?

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