ENR FutureTech
ENR FutureTech
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Know the Space: Pushing the Limits of Mapping Technology

Advances in scanning and mapping technologies can offer a dense understanding of the surrounding environment, but there is still much work left to be done integrating all of this situational data into the design and construction process. Calvin Kam of Strategic Building Innovation has been an advocate of open standards in BIM and GIS for many years, and will offer insights from a recent pilot effort to unify the BIM and mapping data of the city of Hong Kong into a single unified open platform. Douglas Reed will make the case for greater fidelity in mapping data used in construction, and how more consistent use of data from LiDAR scans can reimagine the building space. Rick Klooster is the founder and CCO of Future Insight in the Netherlands, a firm that provides services to create better collaboration within a geospatial information sharing platform. Rick will discuss how better data transfer can enable smart cities, including a BIM-based permit checking proof of concept Future Insight developed with the government of Estonia.


Calvin Kam, Founder and CEO, Strategic Building Innovation (SBI)
Rick Klooster, Founder and CCO, Future Insight
Douglas Reed, President and CEO, Meridian Associates, Inc


Jeff Yoders、编辑、工程News-Record

