ENR FutureTech
ENR FutureTech

道格拉斯芦苇Jan Tuchman
Engineering News-Record

As editor-in-chief, Jan Tuchman leads the editorial team creating content for the Engineering News-Record enterprise—online, in print and at live events. She is active in many construction organizations and has developed a broad network of industry sources, who help keep ENR on top of the latest trends and innovations. She has traveled the world to visit outstanding projects and speak to groups and universities. Tuchman is vice chair of the Industry Leaders Council of the American Society of Civil Engineers and a member of the Columbia University advisory board on Infrastructure, Facilities and Public Spaces. A passion is serving on the executive committee of the nonprofit Bridges to Prosperity, which works to alleviate poverty caused by rural isolation by building footbridges across raging rivers. Her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in journalism are from the University of Colorado in Boulder. Her most recent recognition is the Ted C. Kennedy Award in 2020 from the National Academy of Construction, the group’s highest honor.

