
下午4:00 - 下午6:00
下午4:30 - 下午6:30
Registration – badge pick-up
上午7:30 - 上午8:25
Registration, Continental Breakfast & Exhibits
上午8:25 - 上午8:35
珍妮丝·塔赫曼(Janice L. Tuchman),工程新闻纪录活动的执行编辑
梅琳达·邦奇(Melinda Gentile),Peckar&Abramson,P.C。
上午8:35 - 上午9:30
The Sky Is No Longer the Limit
南希·布雷, an industrial engineer and 33-year NASA veteran, will launch this year’s GWIC conference with an up-close look at the critical roles for facility design and construction as America executes new ambitions in space, including the Artemis program that will land the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon. As an influential NASA leader, she will share insights for women’s success in fast-changing and emerging technical and management careers.
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Panel: New Realities of the Reimagined Workplace
COVID-19 transformed the AEC workplace as employers and staff adapted quickly to new risks and needs—and now must weigh what changes will stick. Looking to the future, how are workplaces being reimagined to meet altered life-work balance expectations, especially for women, and how can policies be made flexible enough to support the needs of staff, managers and clients? This session will explore key transitions in the construction sector workplace—what’s worked well and what has not—and offer steps industry can take to meet business objectives and support women’s contributions and career growth.
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Refreshments, Networking, Exhibits
11:00 – 11:55 AM
Turbulence and volatility are the new normal in the construction industry. Changes in technology, the economy and politics mean leaders must help their teams achieve nimbleness to ensure future success. Dr. Gretchen Gagel will share highlights from her research on how agility can position construction organizations for success. She is joined by a panel of industry leaders to discuss their successes—and failures—in achieving agility. This session will offer specific strategies and tactics to create the nimble teams and organizational culture needed for sustained performance.
Dianne Lee,基奇尔
作为一个主要在马来西亚穆斯林的年轻女孩,戴安娜·李(Dianne Lee)从未想象过有一天她会移民到美国,并担任四个享有声望的建筑行业董事会的主任董事会。在挑战性的刻板印象和主要是男性行业中,成功建立了一个成功的职业生涯,她分享了克服负面刻板印象的逆境以实现积极成果的鼓舞人心的生活经历。为了利用刻板印象,戴安娜(Dianne)包括她对负面刻板印象,偏见和情况如何以个人和专业方式正确和接近的方式转变为积极成长的见解
12:00 PM – 1:25 PM
加入我们的一个特定主题为午餐表facilitated conversation.
1:30 PM – 2:25 PM

What’s Ahead in Tribal Land Development
Kari McCormick, WenahaGroup
Pilar Thomas,Quarles&Brady
Introduction and overview of development and construction on Tribal lands across the US. This would be a panel of 3-4 women who work in the A/E/C industry for tribes who understand the special nuances of working on Indigenous lands. There are nearly 600 Federally recognized tribes throughout the United States, making up large land bases for future development. Each one has their own Government structure, their own use rules and regulations, permitting processes and levels of cultural influence. This presentation would touch on some of the common elements that make developing on tribal land unique.
The ability to holistically address issues affecting underserved communities requires multiple partnerships working in concert to turn legislative policy into actionable items. Technological tools using GIS and other proprietary software can identify where and how the design and functionality of transportation, public works, and overall planning systems affect communities. By tracking progress through real quantifiable metrics, technology has the ability to create department and agency accountability with regular reporting requirements and review by city councils and the public to promote meaningful change in communities. This presentation will feature a panel discussion of case studies that utilized technology to foster equity in myriad systems from across the U.S.: transportation, publics works, and urban planning. Discussion focus areas: • How using technology allowed forecasting to provide equitable accessibility to local and regional destinations and provided planners and public works departments the necessary information to identify disparity and improve equity.
下午2:30 - 下午3:30
Panel: What You Need to Know About DEI & the Infrastructure Act
Giovanna Brasfield博士,Brasfield&Associates
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Refreshments, Networking, Exhibits
下午4:00 - 下午4:50
Panel: Changing the Paradigm of Diversity - from the Inside Out
亚历山大·佩罗蒂(Alexandria Perotti), Holt Construction
Roze Kolaj, Holt Construction
下午4:50 - 下午5:30
Day 1 Closing Keynote
Lara Poloni,AECOM总裁
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Refreshments, Networking, Exhibits
Friday, May 13, 2022
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Registration, Continental Breakfast & Exhibits
上午8:30 - 上午8:35
珍妮丝·塔赫曼(Janice L. Tuchman), Editor-in-Chief, Engineering News-Record
梅琳达·邦奇(Melinda Gentile),Peckar&Abramson,P.C。
上午8:35 - 上午8:40
上午8:35 - 上午9:30
Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas, United Suicide Survivors International
The construction industry has high rates of suicide, addiction and overdose, and over the past few years many efforts have taken place to raise awareness and help link people who are suffering to mental health services. While these efforts are helpful, it’s not good enough just to get “troubled workers” to treatment when the workplace environment is filled with psychosocial hazards like prejudice, systemic racism and discrimination. Just giving people coping skills, building resilience and encouraging self-care do not solve these problems. Two themes will be explored on this panel: 1) How do we help ensure our wellbeing efforts meet the needs of a diverse construction workforce? 2) How do we build internal capacity so that construction workers are empowered to make their mental health promotion and suicide prevention efforts tailored to construction culture – so they are “by them, about them, and for them.”
9:40 AM – 10:30 AM
General Conference Session
上午10:30 - 上午11:15
上午11:15 - 上午11:25
珍妮丝·塔赫曼(Janice L. Tuchman), Editor-in-Chief, Engineering News-Record
梅琳达·邦奇(Melinda Gentile),Peckar&Abramson,P.C。