Groundbreaking Women in Construction
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Groundbreaking Women in Construction
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Andra Kidd

Andra Kidd

Speaker: New Realities of the Reimagined Workplace

Andra j·基德是chief operating officer of Verdantas, a private equity-backed environmental, energy, water and sustainable engineering consulting company formed from the integration of five firms over the last 18 months, all focused on developing and supporting a people-focused culture. She leads the business transformations critical to sustained success in operational efficiency and revenue growth. Andra brings more than 25 years of leadership, management and marketing experience with multi-national consulting firms leading divisional P&L and business development programs. As director of operations for ERM North America, she had operational and P&L responsibility for 6 business units with over 2,000 in headcount during the height of the COVID pandemic. She has held previous roles in HDR Engineering as associate vice president, market sector leader, client development leader and in technical group leader positions. Andra has a BS in public and environmental affairs from Indiana University and an MS in environmental science from Alaska Pacific University.

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