Engineering News-Record is the bible of the construction industry, providing news and features about projects, products and people in construction, architecture and engineering.// Why Fear is Good When It Comes to Ladder Safety It's when you stop being scared that you screw up, I remembered. Wed, 06 Sep 2017 01:00:00 -0400// // Hardhats, Whitehats, Brothers and Sisters 前阵子我认为“在博客中写道,建筑工人” is a slur, and I’ve been second guessing ever since. It got me thinking of years ago when I worked for Laborers Local 1058, and of one particular day. Thu, 11 Sep 2014 00:00:00 -0400// 1f6b5fce-830b-4a2d-92c2-269b0f81baab New Minnesota Contractor Rules Put Squeeze on Worker Misclassifiers I n the heartland, Minnesota state legislators are tired of playing patty-cake with contractors. They want to know who’s doing exactly what work in their state and that effort has led to  a new law  that could serve as a model for other states. The law also could bring better compliance with existing Tue, 29 Jul 2014 01:44:05 -0400// 88b48087-f0de-4f4e-8a5a-670200969410 Oklahoma Workers’ Comp Shift Streamlines Another State Court System In an effort to save tax dollars and spur business growth, Oklahoma has begun the process of streamlining its workers compensation court system. Employee cutbacks in the system already have occurred, with more planned for the future. They are expected to save hundreds of millions for the state's businesses. Tue, 15 Jul 2014 00:00:00 -0400// 61aac773-7a9b-4b11-b30e-aa6c8f33ca8f Some Say 'Hardhat' Isn't a Put-Down I am writing this piece on names—familiar ones and clichés—because it’s important to remember that depending upon what side of the trades or tracks you hail from, a word might be considered harmless, or an insult, like “college boy.”  Mon, 19 May 2014 12:34:57 -0400// 75759b1d-02e0-4202-9052-72d8f882be6a Asbestos and Smoking: Craftworkers Need to Keep Their Eye on the Health Clock One Delaware worker who was harmed from working around asbestos has learned about the legal ticking clock, through the courts. That former Getty Oil Refinery employee, Paul DaBaldo Jr., worked from 1967 through 2001 at the refinery. He didn’t know the clock was ticking on how long he had to file a lawsuit for injuries from asbestos exposure. Wed, 26 Mar 2014 11:43:19 -0400// a1658116-b6ac-47c9-8183-77de7dc6ec0a Falling Down On Safety: OSHA Proposes Fine of $460K Against Long Island's Painting & Decorating I’ve seen falls happen to people I respected and people I’ve loved. And I’ve had a few falls myself; near misses that have made me think maybe there’s something to this Guardian Angel thing. And so I get angry sometimes when I see firms flouting fall safety regulations as if these lifesaving rules don’t matter, because it’s like they’re saying people’s lives don’t matter.Apparently, some just don’t get the message until they are smacked in the face with it. So, OSHA recently slapped Painting & Decorating, Inc., a Ronkonkoma, N.Y.-based contractor, with $460,000 in proposed fines for fall safety violations after inspecting a work site in Mahasset. Wed, 18 Dec 2013 00:00:00 -0500// 13d8648d-ae67-4f22-a460-63aa5351046a Topping The U.S. Steel Tower: High Point Pittsburgh’s Grand Design Would Be Economic Engine  I’d meet Dad in Downtown Pittsburgh for lunch and he’d be standing there under the tall arches formed by the girders of the U.S. Steel Tower Plaza, framed by the beautiful rusty patina of that CorTen Steel. He’d be grinning and dapper in his suit, the U.S. Steel civil engineer meeting one of his many kids, and he’d throw an arm around my shoulder for a bit as we walked across Grant Street and down the brick alley called Cherry Way, to Weiner World (“Home of the Cheese Dog”) or somewhere nicer. Didn’t matter. Fri, 22 Nov 2013 01:51:36 -0500https://www.新利 ef81080f-a131-4d50-adaa-fcc6b9c885c1 How Louisiana's J. Caldarera Refused to be Cheated Out of What he Was Owed Say you’re right in a dispute over a municipal contract on which your company is working and the government authority you are dealing with is pushing you to accept unfair contract terms or payment arrangements. You need the money, but don’t want a protracted legal battle, so what do you do? Fri, 25 Oct 2013 11:42:15 -0400https://www.新利 593381d2-1a2f-482c-8033-438b5f07e761