Sustainability This section deals with the carbon footprint of components of structures and infrastructure, including green design, green buildings, green infrastructure, and assessment tools.// en-us 年度决赛入围者,可持续性卓越:分水岭 (Pam McFarland) < p >可疑的东西发生在鲑鱼that spawn in the rivers and streams that flow through Puget Sound.

// Wed, 16 Mar 2022 14:45:00 -0400// Watershed 整个团队都特别注意将靠近Aurora桥的项目集成到附近。照片由DCI工程师/建造工作摄影有限责任公司


// Tue, 15 Mar 2022 16:00:00 -0400https://www.新利
白宫基础设施首席兰德里乌(Landrieu)概述了IIJA进度 ichniowskit@新利汤姆·伊奇诺夫斯基)

机构在110天内分配了$ 110B,基础设施实施负责人说

// 星期三,2022年3月9日13:33:00 -0500//
Russia-Ukraine War Alters Europe's Plan for Energy Independence 随着冲突扩大,德国看起来延长使用of last three nuclear power plants it planned to close this year, while EU gets 10-point plan to cut Russia gas dependence by one-third in a year and Denmark announces new steps to halt Russian gas imports. http://www.新利 Sun, 06 Mar 2022 19:00:00 -0500https://www.新利 拜登承诺使用IIJA资金开始使用2022年的项目 ichniowskit@新利汤姆·伊奇诺夫斯基)

In his first State of the Union speech, Biden predicts an "Infrastructure Decade."

http://www.新利 星期三,2022年3月2日08:54:00 -0500https://www.新利
Resilient Infrastructure Window Is Closing Fast, UN Climate Report Warns

Climate-resilient development is critical before changes cause irreversible impacts, United Nations panel warns http://www.新利 星期一,2022年2月28日16:43:00 -0500// UPDATE: Feds Want Court Ruling By March 15 to Restore Social Cost of Carbon Metric 法官在上诉法院提交的申请中说,路易斯安那州法官2月14日的公制公制是“不合逻辑,不合理和非法的”,并停止了在石油和天然气许可证,NEPA审查和规则制定方面的工作。 // Tue, 22 Feb 2022 22:24:00 -0500// Tools Gaining Industry Traction to Manage Building Carbon Emissions (Peter Reina) 英国和芬兰技术为设计师提供了更快的读取其结构和材料选择的碳影响。一位工程公司经理说:“只要我从事这个行业,我们就一直在等待[这样的东西]。” // 太阳,2022年2月20日17:39:00 -0500https://www.新利 Duke Energy, Georgia Power Set New Goals on Renewable Power

Utility firms will close nearly 20 GW of coal-fired capacity by 2035, committing to major investments in renewable energy projects.

// Wed, 16 Feb 2022 13:45:00 -0500// Tex太阳能 高管告诉分析师,杜克能源公司将在2025年增加16 GW的可再生能源。
Administration Launches 'Buy Clean' Construction Materials Push

New federal task force will prioritize materials with lower embodied carbon for US-funded projects.

http://www.新利 Tue, 15 Feb 2022 17:00:00 -0500//
Grids Push To Link More Renewable Projects as Backlog Soars

Delays mount for PJM Interconnection, the largest U.S. grid, to integrate deluge of proposed solar and other clean energy projects, as it revamps a process suited to large fossil fuel power plants.

// Thu, 10 Feb 2022 08:10:00 -0500// 太阳能电池板安装 由Geenex Solar建造的弗吉尼亚州梅克伦堡县的80兆瓦太阳能设施现在归Dominion Energy and Operation,但PJM Interonnection Power Market Market在PJM Interconnection Power Market中的其他建议的可再生能18luck官网源项目面临着冗长的网格连接等待。
National Coalition to Provide Boost for Building Performance Standards (Pam McFarland)

 Energy-efficiency advocates are hopeful that a new Biden administration coalition to promote and strengthen building performance standards (BPS) could accelerate federal, state and local efforts to reduce carbon emissions from buildings. 

http://www.新利 Mon, 07 Feb 2022 16:45:00 -0500//

Manhattan office project aims to beat city’s 2030 carbon emission targets by 46% and meet its 2050 carbon-neutral goals.

// 星期五,2022年2月4日06:00:00 -0500// 格林威治街555号 The office building 555 Greenwich St. aims to beat New York City’s carbon emission targets for 2030 and be in line for its 2050 carbon-neutral goals.Photo by Hines
WSP USA Pilots Emerging Tech in Target Markets With Partnership Four startups will gain support to “refine, optimize and scale" tech solutions for design giant's work in climate, resilience and sustainability. // Thu, 03 Feb 2022 10:00:00 -0500// EPA Reaffirms Rule Limiting Power Plant Mercury Emissions

Edison Electric Institute says many plants already meet 2012 standards.

// 2022年1月31日星期一19:40:00 -0500https://www.新利

What to do about natural gas will be one of the biggest challenges facing a new state-appointed commission on decarbonizing the building sector in the Bay State. 

// 星期二,2022年1月25日13:40:00 -0500//
协作产生水坝安全和升级的资金 (Pam McFarland)

Hydropower sector participants usually at odds—industry firms, dam safety groups and environmental advocates—now are finding common ground in project funding and new legislation. // 2022年1月24日星期一17:20:00 -0500// US Steel, Nucor Build Major Mills Amid Steelmakers' Modernization

The steelmakers chose Arkansas and West Virginia for their EAF mills.

http://www.新利 Fri, 14 Jan 2022 14:00:00 -0500//
New Tool Helps Industry Pros Find Lower Impact Materials

“Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide” (BMEG) includes a database of 50 building materials and their properties.

http://www.新利 THU,2022年1月6日15:00:00 -0500//
New York Governor Signs Low-Embodied-Carbon Concrete Bill

Parts of the bill that drew industry opposition were nixed before it was passed.

// Tue, 04 Jan 2022 15:00:00 -0500//
Infrastructure Act Spending Could Impact Emissions Reduction Efforts, Analysis Says

New Georgetown University research analyzed how surface transportation projects chosen for $599 billion of the total $1-trillion bill could cut greenhouse gas emissions, or boost them significantly.

// 星期一,2021年12月27日15:00:00 -0500https://www.新利
Hydrogen, Carbon Black Plant Gets Conditional $1B DOE Loan for Cleaner Technology

Kiewit is set to build expansion of Nebraska clean materials plant, the first non-nuclear power project since 2016 to gain yellow-light commitment under innovative federal clean energy loan program.

// Thu, 23 Dec 2021 16:00:00 -0500https://www.新利
美联储对基于自然的设计的支持越来越多 (Pam McFarland)

The $1-trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) signed into law Nov. 15 includes funding for “nature-based” infrastructure, a sign of the growing bipartisan support among lawmakers and federal officials for approaching flood control and other climate change-related projects by  working with natural systems, rather than trying to control them, according to current and former officials at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 

// Thu, 23 Dec 2021 10:00:00 -0500https://www.新利 生活实验室 A living lab off the coast of New Jersey and a nature-based fl ood-control design for Miami.Inset photo courtesy Swire Properties, background photo courtesy Army Corps of Engineers

阿拉帕塔(Allapattah)是迈阿密多数拉丁裔社区的工人阶级,受到便利的范围 - 医院,地铁站,美术馆,高速公路,可轻松到达市区,海滩和其他兴趣点 - 使其成为磁铁为了开发,提高价格以及居民和企业。

// Thu, 23 Dec 2021 09:30:00 -0500// 阿拉帕塔市 Residents of Allapattah seek to preserve the neighborhood’s businesses, afforable rents and distinct culture.Photos courtesy Allapattah Collaborative CDC
Cincinnati Soccer Stadium Siting Raises Questions 辛辛那提的西区是一个大多数黑人社区,与城市其他地区相比,中位收入较低,租金居民的百分比更高。因此,当纽约市的职业足球队辛辛那提足球俱乐部以2.5亿美元的TQL体育场选择该社区时,它对该地区发生的事情既希望又担心。

// Thu, 23 Dec 2021 09:00:00 -0500// Cincinnati_Stadium_ENRwebready.jpg 辛辛那提足球俱乐部的故乡TQL体育场建于一个城市社区,为足球场所提供了“欧洲感觉”。
Righting Past Wrongs Through Equitable Development

Standing on a dead-end street in Spartanburg, S.C., Harold Mitchell can plainly see the history of injustice in his community.

// Wed, 22 Dec 2021 16:00:00 -0500// ENR_Environmental_Justice_Harold_Mitchell-9863_ENRready.jpg 哈罗德·米切尔(Harold Mitchell新利luck
Amazon HQ2将混凝土放在具体的碳饮食上 (Nadine M. Post)

Amazon’s 2.1-million-sq-ft Metropolitan Park office development near the nation’s capital could become a model for other large-scale sustainable projects. The building team is tracking a 15% reduction in embodied carbon in the project's 200,000 cu yd of concrete and the two 22-story buildings are on course to qualify as net-zero operational carbon.

http://www.新利 Wed, 22 Dec 2021 13:00:00 -0500https://www.新利 亚马逊HQ2 在国家登陆业务改善区的HQ2靠近美国的首都。Sisson Studios的照片由Clark Construction提供

The bill includes some exceptions for non-residential uses.

http://www.新利 Fri, 17 Dec 2021 13:00:00 -0500//
California Plant Would Convert Wood Waste Into Hydrogen Fuel

开发人员计划在贝克斯菲尔德(Bakersfield)外建立1亿美元的工厂,以便与Fluor Corp.和Gasiention Systems Maker Maker Sungas Renewables Inc.合作,为其ITS-KIND项目建立。 // Wed, 15 Dec 2021 06:00:00 -0500// Maine Coastal Towns Join to Prevent Flooding Using Nature-based Methods With $500K in federal and private funds, 11 Casco Bay communities will test alternative approaches to mitigate coastal flooding caused by the climate crisis. // Sun, 12 Dec 2021 22:04:00 -0500//