Government 华盛顿观察家;联邦机构和国会政策制定,监管和执法;预算和税收;项目融资;州和地方机构的监管和执法。// En-us NTSB概述了匹兹堡桥结构的细节,发现崩溃原因将需要几个月 (Tom Ichniowski)

PennDOT picks HDR-Swank Construction team for rebuild of fallen bridge.

// Mon, 07 Feb 2022 17:23:00 -0500//
FTA将IIJA资金的第一部分发布到运输系统 (Tom Ichniowski)


// 星期一,2022年2月7日13:59:00 -0500https://www.新利
House Passes $52B Chipmaking Bill With Contentious Provisions

Contractors oppose changes affecting collective bargaining and tariffs.

// 星期五,2022年2月4日17:00:00 -0500//
拜登(Biden)要求大型联邦项目的项目劳动协议18luck官网 Order applies to all construction projects valued at more than $35 million.

// Fri, 04 Feb 2022 15:00:00 -0500https://www.新利
Tariffs Extended on Solar Panels, But Concession to Contractors Made (Jeff Yoders)

总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)将特朗普政府的关税延长了四年,但也简化了条款以排除用于公用事业级太阳能项目的小组技术。

// Fri, 04 Feb 2022 13:19:00 -0500https://www.新利制造
经过稳定的每月收益,建筑在一月份失去了5,000个工作岗位 (Tom Ichniowski)

Industry unemployment rate rises to 7.1% from December's 5%, but improves sharply year-over-year.

// Fri, 04 Feb 2022 11:07:00 -0500https://www.新利

Brent Brewbaker,在Contech Engineered Solutions LLC工作,将于4月12日被判刑,以致串谋驾驶大约300个北卡罗来纳州运输部项目。

// 星期三,2022年2月2日13:00:00 -0500//
ARTBA: Deficient Bridge Number Drops, But Huge Backlog Remains (Tom Ichniowski)


// Wed, 02 Feb 2022 00:00:00 -0500//
工会建筑业就业在2021年,回到2019年的水平增长了3% (Jeff Yoders)


// 星期二,2022年2月1日18:32:00 -0500https://www.新利
PennDOT Lines Up Funds for Pittsburgh Bridge Rebuild (Tom Ichniowski)

Department plans a sole-source, design-build approach for the project to replace the collapsed bridge.

// Tue, 01 Feb 2022 18:10:00 -0500//

New economic study cites lower development costs and better market conditions for the proposed 800-mile gas pipeline and export terminal, but a supplemental federal review of its projected greenhouse gas emissions is in process as opponent lawsuits challenge its approvals.

// Tue, 01 Feb 2022 18:07:00 -0500https://www.新利 impreved-financials-seen-for-proposed-38b-alaska-lng-project
英国总理抛弃了宠物项目,但费用仍在18luck官网18luck.cub Reina)

研新利luck究反驳鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)计划的桥梁或隧道的计划,遍布炸弹的海谷,政府耗资120万美元,新数据显示。

// Tue, 01 Feb 2022 12:42:00 -0500//
EPA Reaffirms Rule Limiting Power Plant Mercury Emissions

Edison Electric Institute says many plants already meet 2012 standards.

// Mon, 31 Jan 2022 19:40:00 -0500//
Editorial: Open Vaccine Mandate Rulemaking to More Voices OSHA应建模行业参与,以制定2017年硅粉规则,以设计可强制执行且现实的疫苗任务。 http://www.新利 2022年1月31日星期一07:43:00 -0500https://www.新利 NTSB To Put Collapsed Pittsburgh Bridge 'Under a Microscope,' Chair Says (Tom Ichniowski) < p >交通事故的初步报告investigative agency, expected by mid-February, will include just facts—not cause—of Jan. 28 incident. http://www.新利 星期六,2022年1月29日18:39:00 -0500// High Court Could Reset Building Curbs in Key Wetlands Case mcfarlandp@新利 McFarland)

Scope of federal jurisdiction on lands near certain bodies of water is core to landowner challenge, but timing of court action will determine if Justice Stephen Breyer, a veteran of Clean Water Act rulings, can weigh in before he retires.

http://www.新利 星期五,2022年1月28日19:00:00 -0500//
Pittsburgh Bridge Collapse Injures 10 Hours Before Biden Visits City (Tom Ichniowski)

Span had received poor superstructure ratings for more than a decade before Jan. 28 accident, according to National Bridge Inventory data.

http://www.新利 Fri, 28 Jan 2022 11:20:00 -0500//
Court Nixes Permit of Nearly Complete $6.2B Mountain Valley Pipeline 将在夏季运作的Mastec制造的弗吉尼亚州W.Va.天然气项目面临不清楚的延迟,因为美联储必须在国家森林中重新评估其水交叉口。 http://www.新利 THU,2022年1月27日18:18:00 -0500// 新泽西州泽西市承诺在新联邦公约中进行1B $ 1B的水升级 mcfarlandp@新利 McFarland) City will expand lead service line replacements and sewer improvements over the next decade in modifying its consent decree with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. http://www.新利 Thu, 27 Jan 2022 17:45:00 -0500// 农业部奖励$ 1B卫生中心,其他农村设施 (Tom Ichniowski)

Federal loans and grants would help build and upgrade hundreds of rural community facilities in nearly every state.

http://www.新利 Thu, 27 Jan 2022 17:23:00 -0500//
路易斯安那州,工程兵团同意$ 6B沿海保护项目

The Morganza to the Gulf of Mexico plan calls for 98 miles of levees and other protections.

http://www.新利 THU,2022年1月27日14:30:00 -0500//
Facing Flood Cost Fallout, Canada Explores Insurance Changes


http://www.新利 Thu, 27 Jan 2022 12:00:00 -0500// BCMinistryof-Transport.jpg 不列颠哥伦比亚省11月中旬雨雨的道路冲洗量几乎没有支撑。照片:卑诗省运输和不属性系
IIJA Rollout Picks Up More Steam (Tom Ichniowski)

As the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act moves into its third month on the books, the Biden administration is stepping up project spending.

http://www.新利 Thu, 27 Jan 2022 09:53:00 -0500// 需要维修的桥梁 Pennsylvania bridge across the Susquehanna River was built in 1930 and is in line for rehabilitation in 2023, the state says.Photo courtesy of Pennsylvania Dept. of Transportation
House Democrats' Bill Has $52B for US Chipmaking Facilities, R&D (Tom Ichniowski)

After House approval, negotiators would aim to work out differences with Senate-passed version.

http://www.新利 Wed, 26 Jan 2022 16:58:00 -0500//
Curtain Wall Suppliers Claim Rival Duplicated Unique System


http://www.新利 周二,2022年1月25日22:00:00 -0500//
DOT Releases $246M in IIJA Funds To States For Appalachian Highway (Tom Ichniowski)


http://www.新利 星期二,2022年1月25日16:39:00 -0500//
OSHA Pulls Vaccine Mandate, But Will Propose as a Rule (Jeff Yoders)


http://www.新利 星期二,2022年1月25日16:00:00 -0500//


http://www.新利 2022年1月24日星期一00:00:00 -0500//
Court Moves Shift Focus to Federal Workers, Military in COVID-19 Vaccine Battle Judge enjoins federal worker mandate over its reach, immediately appealed by U.S. Justice Dept., citing Biden's “constitutional authority to act as CEO of the executive branch,” while dispute over military vaccinations heats up. http://www.新利 星期六,2022年1月22日19:25:00 -0500// 纽约州政府设定行业咨询委员会来修复公共合同流程


http://www.新利 Fri, 21 Jan 2022 15:55:00 -0500//