书评 出版物感兴趣的工程和建筑行业。https://www.新利luckenr.com/rss/557 en - us 为什么灾难的反应似乎总是达不到 kormanr@新利luckenr.com(理查德·科曼) 一本新书的disasterologist萨曼莎Montano在准备不足和响应。 http://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/52101 星期四,2021年7月15日14:43:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/52101-why-the-disaster-response-always-seems-to-fall-short 休斯顿纳税日洪水2016. jpg 休斯顿居民撤离他们淹没公寓周一在冰箱里,2016年4月18日。通过美联社照片:布雷特锯屑/休斯顿纪事报 运送到:女人分享他们的故事 choa@新利luckenr.com(艾琳赵)

Threatened, condescended to, vilified—many women faced big obstacles yet rose to the top of the transportation world.

http://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/37472 星期四,2015年11月05年就是-0500https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/37472-transporting-to-the-top-women-share-their-stories
结束了美国的移民工人政策能力的偏见 kormanr@新利luckenr.com(理查德·科曼)

With millions of people around the world on the move, it's tempting to see the immigration problem in the U.S. as a matter of what to do about the undocumented 11 million.

1014 -放- - - -结束- - -技能- bias.asp -0400年结婚,2015年10月14日12:00:00https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/17191-put-an-end-to-the-skill-bias-in-us-immigrant-worker-policy

Critics have sounded the alarm to halt pipeline near Indian Point nuclear plant. Controversy dogs the Algonquin Incremental Market Project nearly six months after construction began.

1007 -天然气管道路线-太-关闭核-植物-敌人say.asp -0400年结婚,2015年10月07 12:00:00https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/17190-natural-gas-pipe-route-too-close-to-nuke-plant-foes-say
僵局山姆给交通带来自己的街头智慧 choa@新利luckenr.com(艾琳赵)

Equal parts transportation-planning compendium, autobiography and love letter to New York City, "Street Smart" (Perseus Books Group) lays out Sam Schwartz's vision for the future of multimodal and multinodal transportation systems.

1007 -僵局山姆-带来了他自己的智慧- transportation.asp——街 -0400年结婚,2015年10月07 12:00:00https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/17157-gridlock-sam-brings-his-own-street-smarts-to-transportation

When requesting a time extension, most construction contracts require the preparation of a time-impact analysis (TIA), in which unanticipated or changed work is inserted into the schedule to demonstrate what impact the change will have on the schedule.

0928 -延时-分析-神话-繁华的asp 星期一,2015年9月28日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/17189-shattering-the-myth-of-bilateral-time-extensions

The energy market last year fell as if swallowed by a Florida sinkhole, and a report from Moody’s Investor Service says the oil and gas price outlook will remain negative until well into 2016.

0923 -智能-承包商将适应-服务-发展-能源- market.asp -0400年结婚,2015年9月23日12:00:00https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/17188-smart-contractors-will-adapt-to-serve-evolving-energy-market
Hoosac隧道初测试工程师 vanhamptont@新利luckenr.com(都铎范·汉普顿) 近十年来在布鲁克林大桥开门营业,隧道掘进机成功无聊25081英尺,约五英里,穿过Hoosac山在马萨诸塞州西部。40多年来在1875年开放后,这是北美最长的隧道。 0923 - hoosac隧道-测试-早期engineers.asp -0400年结婚,2015年9月23日12:00:00https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/17156-hoosac-tunnel-tested-early-engineers 西雅图的贝莎完成吗?隧道和风险的角度

By now, everyone knows that "Bertha," the world’s largest tunnel boring machine, was stuck in Seattle’s subsoil for more than a year, since December 6, 2013.

0922 -贝莎finish.asp——她 星期二,2015年9月22日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/17187-will-seattles-bertha-finish-a-perspective-on-tunneling-and-risk

As part of our research into the recent downturn, my Arizona State University colleagues and I surveyed U.S. construction companies to discover what overhead they chose to cut and when.

0916 - - -沉默killer.asp开销 -0400年结婚,2015年9月16日12:00:00https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/17186-overhead-a-silent-killer
如何阻止开销沉默承包商杀手 什么开销建筑公司削减在最近的衰退?我和我的同事们想知道,亚利桑那州立大学所以我们调查公司在全国各地。 0909 - - -沉默killer.asp开销 结婚,09年9月2015 12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/17185-how-to-stop-overhead-from-being-a-silent-contractor-killer 弥合的差距 我们尽力得到最好的球员在建设公平竞争和利用整个人才? 0904 -桥- - gap.asp 星期五,2015年9月04日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/17184-bridging-the-gap 海上风力已经来到美国;内皮祖细胞可以帮助它获得动力 相关链接:美国第一座海上风电场安装涡轮机深水基础的里程碑:罗德岛风电场项目工作开始离岸风能可以添加美国420万兆瓦的发电能力根据国家可再生能源实验室的数据,但是美国市场几乎完全停滞不前,阻碍了监管不确定性,政治反对派、诉讼和缺乏足够的融资。Recently, however, several broad market and regulatory themes have emerged—record low energy prices, technology improvements, the start of construction of the first commercial offshore project near Rhode Island’s Block Island and increasingly favorable federal and state policies for 0826 -离岸风- - - -我们epc - -帮助-它可以获得momentum.asp -0400年结婚,2015年8月26日12:00:00https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8426-offshore-wind-has-come-to-the-u-s-epcs-can-help-it-gain-momentum 深的池:一个工程师 Lev Zetlin博士是一位出生于俄罗斯、魅力、创新结构工程师在他的纽约实践安排在自己身边非常聪明,年轻、受过良好教育的工程师。 0824————————一个工程师asp 星期一,2015年8月24日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8425-into-the-deep-end-of-the-pool-the-making-of-an-engineer 提高普及项目:如何结束虐待 The U.S. Dept. of Transportation’s disadvantaged business enterprise program was designed to support the development and growth of legitimate DBEs. But the way the program is currently written, interpreted and administered actually defeats those purposes and undermines the goal. Recent DBE fraud prosecutions, most of which involve the test of whether a commercially useful function has been performed, have led some contractors to respond with overzealous and incorrect interpretations of the rules for regular dealers (our firm falls into this category of company).As background, all 50 states must comply with the DBE program. U.S. DOT serves as the administrator and 0805 -改善dbe -计划-如何结束————abuses.asp 结婚,05年8月2015 12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8424-improving-dbe-programs-how-to-end-the-abuses 给我们更多的细节关于奥运会的风险 kormanr@新利luckenr.com(理查德·科曼) We’ve reached a teachable moment about risk when it comes to Boston’s bid to host the 2024 Summer Olympics, which is being promoted as a major driver of housing and infrastructure. To make its case, the Olympics bid committee's proposal includes a risk plan that is detailed—but not detailed enough. Will Boston win?Such moments have arrived before with other Olympic hosting proposals, most notably Chicago’s bid, in 2009, to host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. There, the proponents also showed they had covered all the risks with a detailed plan, but they failed to win the bid.Construction costs and overruns 0721 -给我们-更多细节关于asp -奥运会风险 星期二,2015年7月21日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8422-give-us-more-details-about-olympics-risks 为什么破坏分包商合同保护吗 At ENR’s “Risk Summit” last month in Dallas, the editors asked my panel to ponder why Texas subcontractors weren’t “dancing in the streets” in light of seemingly favorable laws such as prompt- payment statutes, retainage restrictions and limits on indemnification. While the panel focused on Texas, the topic is relevant throughout the U.S., and I’ll explain why. Every state has a mountain of protections for the purpose of benefiting construction participants at the bottom of the contracting chain.These protections can be traced to 1791, when Thomas Jefferson introduced the nation’s first mechanics’ lien laws in Maryland. In doing so, he 0715 -为什么-合同-破坏-分包商protection.asp -0400年结婚,2015年7月15日12:00:00https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8421-why-contracts-undermine-subcontractor-protection 信给编辑:吸热杀死建设

It’s too bad that your magazine is publishing articles written by left-wing environmentalists (likely devoid of any science background) making statements like “the very real effects of climate change

0702 -信- - -编辑- climatechangers是construction.asp——杀死 星期四,2015年7月02 12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8150-letter-to-the-editor-the-climate-changers-are-killing-construction

I get a bit amused by articles on “new” construction methods for bridges, such as the following one in Ohio.

0702 -信- - -编辑-有什么新阳光下——————————bridges.asp 星期四,2015年7月02 12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8151-letter-to-the-editor-theres-nothing-new-under-the-sun-for-bridges

Thanks for the great article on Lean and IPD (ENR 6/15 p. 8). It’s very helpful for the design and construction community to have a thoughtful piece for discussion.

0702 -信-编辑-大-转移- - -集成项目需要delivery.asp 星期四,2015年7月02 12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8149-letter-to-the-editor-major-shifts-needed-for-integrated-project-delivery
工程顾问说两个世界的语言 Owners and contractors, even when they operate in the same country, don’t always speak the same language. An owner may presume its customary construction practices and assumptions are applicable in any region; the contractor may not fully appreciate the owner’s standards for quality, safety, coordination or other considerations and how they should apply to a specific project. A consulting engineering firm, which operates with a foot in both worlds, best serves its client when it promotes clear communication between client and contractor. The consultant that understands the expectations of both its client and outside stakeholders will provide good stewardship of 0624 -工程-顾问-说- - - - - -语言- worlds.asp——两个 -0400年结婚,2015年6月24日12:00:00https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8419-engineering-consultant-speaks-languages-of-two-worlds 在建筑行业研究填充深度赤字 相关链接:查尔斯Pankow基金会的雄心勃勃的钢筋研究目标Pankow基金会是否我们建筑师、工程师或构造函数,我们都面临着一个经济和环境不同,我们的前辈。世界我们面临很多挑战。例如,“可持续性”一词甚至不是业内人士20年前词典。谁会想到一个无处不在的materialsuch波特兰水泥,一度被认为是无害的,将威胁到全球环境由于其高能源需求和碳足迹?和谁会认为,一旦认为是如此丰富,浪费大量不重要, 0629 -灌装-深-赤字- -建筑行业research.asp 星期二,2015年6月23日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8420-filling-the-deep-deficit-in-construction-industry-research 为什么我离开舒适区 相关链接:南国行业网站BrueningAt 2011年初,我在处理1的收尾million-sq-ft工具,我的公司,南国的行业,在今年早些时候。我也开始快速跟踪的两个项目来满足9月完成的里程碑。18luck官网忙的时候比我曾经在我的职业生涯中,我的老板停在我的办公室的一个下午,向我简单介绍一个新的内部领导力发展计划的概念公司要求建立领导(线下)。一个星期后,我和五个在一次电话会议上 0617 -建造-铅- - last.asp建造 结婚,2015年6月17日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8418-why-i-left-my-comfort-zone 可持续的解决方案是很好的业务 Related Links: Risky Business coalition blog Bob Langert: Fast 10 Sustainability Leadership Tips Letter from Oil Majors on Carbon Pricing Unilever CEO Paul Polman: The remedies for capitalism B Corp website New Envision Tool Pushes Sustainability Beyond Buildings BeinsteinUnderstanding how sustainability’s triple bottom line (TBL) of people, planet, and profit impacts design and construction firms is becoming an ever more urgent priority. Perhaps never before has a topic been so important to the AEC community, yet so poorly understood. Globally, the movement toward sustainability and TBL-focused results is rapidly accelerating—but how individual business leaders adapt, and how their firms can 0615 -来- - -可持续解决方案是business.asp——好 星期一,2015年6月15日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8417-sustainable-solutions-are-good-business 逐步建设:在项目交付没有快速修复 设计和施工过程中已经存在了4500多年,始于公元前2630年左右, when Imhotep, the first structural engineer in history, built the step pyramid for the Egyptian Pharoah Djoser.The big question that rolls around in my mind is, “Exactly how far has our industry progressed?”In science, the progress is obvious. And there is also obvious progress in a more efficient, freely employed workforce, as opposed to slaves, and better technology, including multiple advancements in heavy building equipment for ease of construction and most recently, 3D building information modeling (BIM) for design and construction information development. 0610 -进步建筑-不-快速修复delivery.asp——项目 6月结婚,2015 12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8416-progressive-construction-no-quick-fixes-in-project-delivery 废除国家现行工资错了方向

Indiana's recent repeal of its prevailing wage law—31 states still have them—is no cause for celebration from the public's or the industry's point of view.

0615 -废除需要- -错了方向——国家wages.asp——盛行 6月结婚,2015 12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8084-repeal-takes-the-wrong-direction-on-state-prevailing-wages
准备下一个大风暴:样车的新现实 传输和分配基础设施在北美的一个重大转变。这一行业历史上设计了满足其设备的寿命,现在必须重新设计日益增长的挑战能力和可靠性。我们对电的依赖使我们容易受到极端天气的变化。卡特里娜飓风和桑迪是毁灭性的提醒,我们的电力系统需要设计更好地承受这些类型的事件,发生的频率增加。但实用工具已经逐渐改变,由于互联网络的挑战:1。“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” 0526 -准备- - - - - -大-风暴- t -和- ds -新- reality.asp 星期二,2015年5月26日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8415-preparing-for-the-next-big-storm-t-d-s-new-reality 过分DBE执法的失败者 在过去的一年中,地区检察官试图遏制滥用职权承包商使用非法的弱势企业(db)在美国Transportation-funded项目的部门。18luck官网 0519————失败者——过分enforcement.asp——普及 星期二,2015年5月19日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8413-the-losers-in-overzealous-dbe-enforcement 观点:创建一个团队进攻来管理项目风险 EisenhartAs挑战性的建筑工程服务商合作,我可以分享,团队成员之间的有效沟通是最好的进攻在任何类型的项目风险管理。18luck官网 On a design-build hospital renovation project that I recently facilitated, project challenges related to unknown conditions and owner additions triggered each stakeholder's conventional risk management strategies—such as case building and communicating entirely through emails and letters—all of which led to distrust and further decelerated the project.Fortunately for all involved, the builder’s senior project manager was committed to finding a better way.  His approach was to consult with the medical director and 0519 -观点-创建一个团队——进攻——risk.asp——管理——项目 星期二,2015年5月19日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8414-viewpoint-create-a-team-offense-to-manage-project-risk 干旱的股息 kormanr@新利luckenr.com(理查德·科曼)

Since California has always been a magnet for immigrants, it shouldn't have surprised me that, over the years, so many of my closest relations—my sister, parents, ex-wife and son—migrated there from New York City, our home turf.

0518 - drought8217s dividend.asp 星期二,2015年5月12日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/8083-drought-s-dividend