信息技术 软件和数据采集和处理系统,以提高设计,构建和业务效率https://www.新利 En-us 评估自动进度跟踪解决方案

With the broad adoption of reality capture and the recent arrival of automated construction progress tracking, builders now have access to more objective, easy-to-access data than ever before.

// Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:00:00 -0500// clearsight_image_03-feature2.jpg
Tools Gaining Industry Traction to Manage Building Carbon Emissions Reina) 英国和芬兰技术为设计师提供了更快的读取其结构和材料选择的碳影响。一位工程公司经理说:“只要我从事这个行业,我们一直在等待[这样的东西]。” // 太阳,2022年2月20日17:39:00 -0500https://www.新利 陆军军团使用Arcgis的故事地图进行Covid-ers时代的公共宣传 yodersj@新利 Yoders) http://www.新利 Wed, 16 Feb 2022 13:00:00 -0500// 故事图 请访问与该地区网站上的这些地图进行互动。图片图片由USACE Galveston区提供 Tech Focus: New Initiatives Push State DOTs to Adopt Digital Workflows choa@新利 cho)

Delivering a project for a public agency in the U.S. can feel like a strange, parallel world compared to the commercial construction sector.

http://www.新利 Wed, 16 Feb 2022 12:00:00 -0500// car and road The Utah Dept. of Transportation is moving projects through design and construction entirely in 3D, saving time and reducing the time contractors need to spend redoing models after winning bids.Photo courtesy UDOT

Digital twins are enhancing the way capital projects and infrastructure are planned, built and operated globally.

// Mon, 14 Feb 2022 11:59:00 -0500// 电脑 图片来源:Nicoelnino通过Istock / Getty Images Plus Plus
How a Common Data Environment Can Save You Time & Money on Your Toughest Infrastructure Projects


// Mon, 14 Feb 2022 11:59:00 -0500https://www.新利官网oughest-In-tough-Infrastructure-Projects vector image of a computer and networking 图片来源:Elenabs通过Istock / Getty Images Plus Plus
Why a Common Data Environment is Essential for Your Infrastructure Project?


// Mon, 14 Feb 2022 11:59:00 -0500// 工地 Image Credit: metamorworks via iStock/Getty Images Plus
Materials Supply Start-Up RenoRun Secures $142M in Series B Funding

Growing from 50 to 500 employees in three years, the building materials delivery service announced a significant financing increase from its latest funding round amid the company's continued expansion.

// 星期五,2022年2月4日12:00:00 -0500https://www.新利
WSP美国飞行员在目标市场中有合作伙伴关系的新兴技术 Four startups will gain support to “refine, optimize and scale" tech solutions for design giant's work in climate, resilience and sustainability. // THU,2022年2月3日10:00:00 -0500https://www.新利 湿地文档应用程序Ecobot网络280万美元的新资金回合 (Jeff Rubenstone) < p >湿地文档和合规软件制造商Ecobot secured a $2.81-million funding round earlier this month, a sign construction tech investors see value in targeted solutions to specific workflow problems.

// THU,2022年1月27日13:00:00 -0500https://www.新利 Ecobot Ecobot的应用程序提供了一种更快的方法来填写所需的湿地文档文书。


// Thu, 02 Dec 2021 16:46:00 -0500https://www.新利
敏捷远程敏感机器人在远程会议上提供了不同的旋转 (Jeff Rubenstone)

When the pandemic made long-distance business travel difficult or impossible in 2020, many turned to the remote collaboration tools that were available. Video conferencing replaced business meetings.

http://www.新利 星期三,2021年11月17日15:44:00 -0500// Ohmni远程机器人 新利luckEnr运输编辑Aileen Cho通过Ohmni Telepresence Robot.photo在Enr NYC办公室周围巡游Janice L. Tuchman
Q4技术报告:进入下一个正常 (Jeff Rubenstone)

At this point, well into the era of working with COVID-19, questions over remote work, remote collaboration and better awareness of the workforce on construction jobsites can seem like settled issues.

http://www.新利 星期三,2021年11月17日14:00:00 -0500// 吉尔班 With virtual collaboration now a standard practice, tech adoption has accelerated.Photo courtesy Gilbane Building Co.
FHWA颁发的FLH项目的PM软件合同向Aurigo18luck官网 (Jeff Rubenstone)


http://www.新利 Wed, 10 Nov 2021 13:00:00 -0500https://www.新利官网act-for-flh-flh-projects-to-aurigo AurigoSreenivasan.jpg Aurigo首席执行官Balaji Sreenivasan表示,FHWA的奖项是该公司的第一份主要联邦合同。照片提供的Aurigo软件
Procore Acquires Workforce Management App LaborChart yodersj@新利 Yoders)

Procore已收购了堪萨斯州Overland Park的Laborchart,堪萨斯州的劳动力管理软件开发商专业承包商和自我陈述的总承包商。

http://www.新利 星期三,2021年11月10日12:00:00 -0500https://www.新利 Laborchart团队 首席执行官Courtemanche(右第二)与Laborchart团队谈论收购。Photo由Procore提供
NASA月亮发布明年年初进行基础设施创新 (Janice L. Tuchman)

Preparations for the Artemis program, which will land the first woman and person of color on the moon, include upgrades to launch facilities and systems.

http://www.新利 星期三,2021年11月10日12:00:00 -0500https://www.新利 Year-takes-takes-Infrastructure-Innovations NASA发射台 The upgrades to Launch Complex 39B at Kennedy Space Center include 600-fttall lightning protection towers and a record-size hydrogen tank.Photo courtesy of NASA/Glenn Benson
Launch Sequence Software is Ready for Blast-off yodersj@新利 Yoders)

明年Artemis 1起飞时,发射日的房间里将有90人。其中三分之二将是负责他们创建的启动序列软件的Jacobs工程师。

http://www.新利 Wed, 10 Nov 2021 11:00:00 -0500// NASA 软件工程师和NASA飞行人员测试启动序列软件,该软件将在围绕月球和返回的旅行中发送Artemis 1,目前定于2月。
KSC Director Janet Petro Reflects on Diversity (Janice L. Tuchman)

As NASA works on a mission to send the first woman and person of color to the moon, ENR Editor-in-Chief Janice Tuchman exchanged emails with Janet Petro, director of the Kennedy Space Center, to explore how diversity plays out in the agency itself.

http://www.新利 Wed, 10 Nov 2021 11:00:00 -0500// Janet Petro, NASA PETRO与代表性不足的群体有关,并致力于创建包容性环境。
电动材料跟踪应用程序在行业推动下收益 choa@新利 cho)


http://www.新利 星期三,2021年10月27日15:55:00 -0400//
在竞标更好的数据中,特纳将起重机传感器公司范围内采用 (Jeff Rubenstone)

Turner Construction has signed a multiyear agreement to deploy Versatile's CraneView sensors to project sites across the U.S.

http://www.新利 Tue, 12 Oct 2021 15:34:00 -0400// turnerversatile.jpg Image Courtesy Versatile
Autodesk与Ioffice + SpaceIQ合作于资产操作 (Jeff Rubenstone)

Autodesk于9月21日宣布,进一步建立了其在运营领域的投资,它将与Ioffice + SpaceIQ建立合作伙伴关系。P> // Thu, 30 Sep 2021 12:00:00 -0400// ArchibusiOFFICE.jpg 空间管理和规划软件等产品Archibus可以看到将来将来的集成到Autodesk的设计软件中。图片由Ioffice + SpaceIQ提供 在线设备市场EQHQ深入研究数据 (Jeff Rubenstone)

When looking to buy or sell a piece of construction equipment, options are often limited. There are a few big auction houses, a handful of websites and a local network of dealers, contractors and rental houses that might be interested.

// THU,2021年9月16日13:03:00 -0400https://www.新利 ita_eqhq-open-screen_新利luckenrready.jpg
陆军军团在云端寻找洪水建模 (Jeff Rubenstone)


http://www.新利 Thu, 02 Sep 2021 09:00:00 -0400https://www.新利 modeling Imagery_of_flood_levee-copy_新利luckenrready.jpg 军团维护的堤防的未来规划是由CSTORM-MS模型驱动的。
问答:Bentley Systems的Claire Rutkowski在远程工作,倦怠和混合动力办公室 (Jeff Rubenstone)

The tech firm's CIO talks with ENR about how a blend of remote and in-office workers will be the norm going forward, and how industry firms can adapt to this hybrid approach.

http://www.新利 星期三,2021年9月1日15:12:00 -0400https://www.新利 and-the-the-Hybrid-Office ProjectWise365.jpg 为了响应Covid-19的大流行的出现,Bentley Systems于2020年4月使其基于云的基础架构设计和协作软件ProjectWise 365可免费获得五个月的豁免订阅。Bentley Cio Claire Rutkowski说,尽管已经存在远程工作和混合办公室的技术,但公司将不得不将其管理风格调整为这种新的长期情况。
将乐趣放在数据争吵中 (Scott Blair)

建筑公司在压倒性的碎片和字节上游泳。为了削减刺耳声并确定哪些数据很重要,总部位于西雅图的项目管理公司OAC今年夏天早些时 http://www.新利 星期三,2021年9月1日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利 Datathon 团队字节的规模向法官们发表了介绍。图片由Arianna Kemis/OAC GIS and BIM Take First Major Steps to Integration yodersj@新利 Yoders)


http://www.新利 星期三,2021年9月1日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利 OntarioLine2_ENRready.jpg A point cloud with LiDAR data of buildings, roads and utilities was taken to inform HDR’s BIM 360 project informationsharing platform for the Ontario Line project.Lidar Point Cloud Courtesy of HDR
Senate Reviews Cybersecurity Threats to US Water Systems yodersj@新利 Yoders)


// Thu, 29 Jul 2021 13:07:43 -0400https://www.新利 Rep. Mike Gallagher Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) right, and Sen. Angus King (I-Maine) testify at Senate hearing “Addressing Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities Facing Our Nation’s Physical Infrastructure” on July 21.Photo by Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call Via AP Images
用于大流行的站点签到应用程序转移到更广泛的用途 (Jeff Rubenstone) 当2020年春天,当美国建筑工地上的第一个与共同相关的限制下降时,许多承包商被抓住了纯脚的编译信息,以获取工人和访客以进行接触跟踪。 http://www.新利 THU,2021年7月15日13:33:15 -0400// SAFESITESCREEN.JPG 新的渲染模式,Archicad中的云集成25 (Jeff Rubenstone) 最新修订版本的受欢迎的BIM设计软ware Archicad includes improved rendering options and expanded asset libraries for designers and architects. http://www.新利 Thu, 15 Jul 2021 13:29:08 -0400https://www.新利 ArchiCAD25_3_ENRready.jpg Archicad 25 brings better textures and shadows without the need for separate software.Image courtesy of Graphisoft Infrastructure Site Surveying Gets a Boost From Artificial Intelligence (Jeff Rubenstone)

Finding accurate subsurface surveys of bedrock topography is a time consuming process that can be augmented with A.I., say experts sharing recent success stories.

// Tue, 15 Jun 2021 18:33:00 -0400// futuretechbimforsubsurface.jpg 图像提供翡翠地理编工 FutureTechEMeraldGeomodelling.jpg 图像提供翡翠地理编工 futuretechtraceair.jpg Image Courtesy of TraceAir futuretechtraceairhaulroad.jpg Image Courtesy of TraceAir