开创性的妇女在建筑中 开创性的妇女在建筑中https://www.新利luckenr.com/rss/746 en-us Best GDP Rise Since 1984 Seen This Year, Credit Suisse Expert Tells Industry rubind@新利luckenr.com(黛布拉·鲁宾) 工业人士分析师杰米·库克(Jamie Cook)在5月4日在GWIC劳动力会议上说,大流行世界“看起来还不错”。新利luck  //www.pjbjkak.com/articles/51755 Mon, 17 May 2021 10:38:39 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/51755 女性AEC领导人在行业的Covid重新启动中看到了关键作用 rubind@新利luckenr.com(黛布拉·鲁宾) 高管在5月4日在Enr突破性妇女的建筑会议上告诉与会者,市场转变和ESG授权将为妇女提供更多的机会来推动即将到来的行业反弹。新利luck //www.pjbjkak.com/articles/51705 Thu, 06 May 2021 08:23:00 -0400//www.pjbjkak.com/articles/51705-women-aec-leaders-see-key-role-in-industrys-covid-reboot 妇女大声说出来,领导,多样性,盟友 Industry trendsetters shared momentum to boost women's numbers and influence at ENR talent and career development event held Aug. 24-27. //www.pjbjkak.com/articles/50896 星期三,2020年12月16日13:45:00 -0500https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/50896-women-speak-out-for-crusion-leadership-diversity-allyship Unengaged Employees Sap Companies of Productivity, Innovation

指出的组织行为研究员罗米拉·辛格(Romila Singh)强调了促使工程师离开行业的因素新利luck http://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/51003 Wed, 26 Aug 2020 07:57:00 -0400//www.pjbjkak.com/articles/51003-unengaged-employees-sap-companies-of-productivity-innovation 小组:妇女必须是凶猛的谈判者才能向上移动建筑阶梯 choa@新利luckenr.com(aileen cho)

Industry gender pay gap is narrowing, but women still need solid self-promotion strategies, said HR experts at ENR GWIC careerbuilding conference.

http://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/51004 星期二,2020年8月25日08:31:00 -0400//www.pjbjkak.com/articles/51004-panel-women-must-be-fierce-negotiators-to-move-up-construction-ladder
新声音在行业推动员工增长的推动中出现 blairs@新利luckenr.com(Scott Blair) Major contractors elevate diversity and inclusion to a business mission, but rising women share concerns of tokenism at ENR talent management conference in San Francisco. http://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/46981 星期三,2019年6月12日12:08:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/46981-new-voices-emerge-in-industrys-push-for-for-workforce-growth gwic Enn劳动力会议的750多名与会者面临着建筑对自己和雇新利luck主的更复杂的多样性问题。Scott Blair的照片新利luck 我也是 In sharing views of how how well employers are moving past #Me-Too harassment in the workplace, Mortenson Senior VP Maja Rosenquist (far left) led discussion with Monica Ballard, a Los Angeles expert in anti-harassment education; architect principal Marsha Maytum and New York construction attorney Diana Plue. ENR published an industry-wide survey on harassment and gender bias issues last year. Credit: ENR Photo 领先承包商的高管 Eric Stenman, president of Balfour Beatty Buildings (l) and Jay Tangney, executive vice president of Suffolk Construction, shared new thinking on gender disparities in their workplaces. Photo by Scott Blair for ENR Sally Helgesen 著名的女性领导教练和作家萨利·赫尔奇森(Sally Helgesen)敦促格维克(Gwic)的与会者意识到她们可能阻碍运动的行为。信用:Enn照片新利luck Women construction executives Autodesk manager Kristen Sylva (far left) leads PCL Vice President Cathy Orquiola, DPR Project Executive Lucy Villanueva and JLL Regional Director Jacqueline Dompe (l to r) to share insights on how tokenism and use of 'qualifiers' impact women's achievement. Photo: Scott Blair for ENR Construction Industry Women Seek Strategies, Allies To Boost Impact rubind@新利luckenr.com(黛布拉·鲁宾)

Nearly 700 at ENR record-attendance GWIC conference showcase next-generation talent and explore women's role as critical to industry growth.

//www.pjbjkak.com/articles/44554 THU,2018年5月24日09:53:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/44554-construction-industry-women-seek-strategies-allategies-allies-to-boost-impact 建筑部门女性专业人士 寻求晋升在建筑业专业和手工艺生涯的妇女有新的机会,但仍有挑战仍然存在,近700名妇女会议参加者获悉。Debra K. Rubin的照片新利luck Balfour Beatty US unit president Brian Cahill Balfour Beatty美国部门总裁Brian Cahill表示,该公司的目标是到2025年以50-50的性别均衡。 建筑部门的颜色专业人士 小组成员说,由于刻板印象和更少的榜样,有色妇女面临着独特的行业职业挑战。Janice Tuchman的照片新利luck 研究员罗米拉·辛格(Romila Singh) 研究员罗米拉·辛格(Romila Singh)指出,公司文化问题是离开工程职业及其“级联”行业影响的女性的关键催化剂。Aaron Ffagerstrom的照片
Women Seek Construction Industry's Critical Path rubind@新利luckenr.com(黛布拉·鲁宾) Nearly 400 ENR conferees push ‘power of the purse’ to counter still-pervasive gender challenges in career growth //www.pjbjkak.com/articles/42020 星期五,2017年5月19日20:10:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/42020-women-seek-construction-industrys-critical-Path 开创性的妇女在建筑会议上 Kellie McElhaney, who researches gender-equity issues in the U. of California-Berkeley business school, discusses the pay gap between women and men and how it can be bridged. PHOTO by LAWRENCE GERALD FOR ENR 凯里·史密斯 凯里·史密斯, a Parsons Corp. unit president, said industry CEOs must make diversity a "personal responsibility." PHOTO BY LAWRENCE GERALD FOR ENR 开创性的妇女在建筑会议上 5月2日至3日,在旧金山举行的Enr Gwic会议上,有将近400名建筑行业的女性专业人士挤满了职业增强的学习课程。新利luck劳伦斯·杰拉尔德(Lawrence Gerald)的照片新利luck 开创性的妇女在建筑会议上 Construction managers said women in leadership roles can be perceived as "bossy." PHOTO BY DEBRA RUBIN for ENR 开创性的妇女在建筑会议上 gwicattendees packed lunchtime networking sessions geared to specialized topics such as safety, technology, project management and leadership styles PHOTO BY JANICE TUCHMAN for ENR Women in Construction Get Empowered to Succeed 在ENR会议上,数百名现任和未来的女性领导人分享了工作场所变化的策略。新利luck //www.pjbjkak.com/articles/39728 星期五,2016年7月1日09:30:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/39728-women-in-in-in-construction-get-empowered to-succeed GWIC听众 Motivated Some 375 female construction professionals shared challenges and successes of industry career growth at the Groundbreaking Women in Construction conference in San Francisco on June 21, sponsored by ENR and law firm Peckar & Abramson. Photo: Jamie Soja 行业公司首席执行官 设计建造公司Perez总裁Angela O'Byrne在6月21日在Enr Womens会议上对CEO小组提出了重点;新利luck她的两侧是玻璃承包商Giroux Glass(左)的首席执行官Nataline Lomedico和建筑技术公司Plangrid(右)的创始人Tracy Young(左)。他们和工作场所趋势研究员Marcus Noland和Swinerton HR经理Brenda Reimche注意到了女性技能和观点的影响。照片:Jamie Soja Debbie Sterling 工程师黛比英镑,流行的发明者girls’ toy character Goldieblox, who teaches girls building and engineering skills, told attendees to “never settle.” Photo: Luke Abaffy; Graphic courtesy of Goldieblox Inc. Lorien Barlow 激励大约375名女性建筑专业人士在旧金山的Enr GWIC会议上共享并获得了见解。新利luck行业公司的三位首席执行官指出了女性技能和观点的影响,而受欢迎的女孩玩具戈德博克斯(Goldieblox)的发明者工程师黛比·斯特林(Debbie Sterling)告诉与会者“永不安定”。洛里安·巴洛(Lorien Barlow)(上图)谈到了她的纪录片,这是关于女工工人的第一部纪录片。照片:卢克·阿巴菲(Luke Abaffy) construction-sector panelists Respectfully Construction-sector panelists shared advice on how women managers can build strong emotional intelligence and the trust of peers and bosses to earn respect in a male-dominated field. Pictured (l to r) are OSHA instructor Kimlee Lindgren, PCL project manager Lourdes Lopez, StructureTone project manager Eileen McCarthy, United Contractors government relations director Emily Cohen and Dara Hendrix, FTI senior director Dara Hendrix. Photo: Jamie Soja Industry Women Tackle Still Nagging Worksite Challenges rubind@新利luckenr.com(黛布拉·鲁宾) The issue of workplace sexual harassment galvanized ENR's "Groundbreaking Women in Construction" gathering on May 6 as attendees at all industry levels shared incidents and impacts. In an electronic poll, 68% of attendees said they had been sexually harassed at work or thought they had been. More than 65% of attendees work for construction or CM firms. 0518-Industry-Women-tackle-still-nagging-worksite-challenges.asp 星期二,2015年5月12日12:00:00 -0400//www.pjbjkak.com/articles/3061-industry-women-tackle-still-nagging-worksite-challenges Self-Advocacy is Key Strategy for Women in Construction 对工作和技术实力的奉献可能不足以提高妇女在建筑行业雇主中的职务;他们还需要击败自己的鼓,以便在工作地点和董事会中更好地角色。来自行业公司的女高管敦促在ENR开创性妇女参加建筑会议上的300多名年轻女性参与者,以寻求向同事,老板,客户和外部同伴提高其个人资料的方法。新利luck 0617-SelfAdvocacy-is-key-key-strategy-in-construction.asp 星期二,2014年6月17日12:00:00 -0400https://www.新利luckenr.com/articles/3005-self-advocacy-is-key-strategy-for-women-women in-in-Construction